#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #This file was automatically generated by pfSense # # To know to customize your configuration file, see squidclamav manpage # or go to http://squidclamav.darold.net/ # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #### # Global configuration #### # Maximum size of a file that may be scanned. Any file bigger that this value # will not be scanned. If libarchive support is enable the value must be upper # than banmaxsize otherwise this is the value of banmaxsize that will be taken. maxsize 5M # When a virus is found then redirect the user to this URL. If this directive # is disabled squidclamav will use c-icap error templates to report issues. redirect # Path to the clamd socket, use clamd_local if you use Unix socket or if clamd # is listening on an Inet socket, comment clamd_local and set the clamd_ip and # clamd_port to the corresponding value. clamd_local /var/run/clamav/clamd.sock #clamd_ip, #clamd_port 3310 # Set the timeout for clamd connection. Default is 1 second, this is a good # value but if you have slow service you can increase up to 3. timeout 1 # Force SquidClamav to log all virus detection or squiguard block redirection # to the c-icap log file. logredir 0 # Enable / disable DNS lookup of client ip address. Default is enabled '1' to # preserve backward compatibility but you must desactivate this feature if you # don't use trustclient with hostname in the regexp or if you don't have a DNS # on your network. Disabling it will also speed up squidclamav. dnslookup 0 # Enable / Disable Clamav Safe Browsing feature. You mus have enabled the # corresponding behavior in clamd by enabling SafeBrowsing into freshclam.conf # Enabling it will first make a safe browsing request to clamd and then the # virus scan request. safebrowsing 0 # Send the Content-Type header to Clamav for multipart content types # so multipart bodies can be broken up by their boundary and each part # can be scanned. multipart 0 # SquidClamav can be run in two mode. The first and default one is the # "ScanAllExcept" mode that will scan everything by default and can be # controlled by the abort, abortcontent, whitelist, trustuser and # trustclient directives. The second mode is "ScanNothingExcept" that # will scan nothing but the content controlled by the scan, scancontent, # blacklist, untrustuser and untrustclient directives. scan_mode ScanAllExcept #### # Directives abort, abortcontent and whitelist are used in "ScanAllExcept" mode #### # Do not scan images #abort ^.*\.(ico|gif|png|jpg)$ #abortcontent ^image\/.*$ # Do not scan text files #abort ^.*\.(css|xml|xsl|js|html|jsp)$ #abortcontent ^text\/.*$ #abortcontent ^application\/x-javascript$ # Do not scan streamed videos #abortcontent ^video\/x-flv$ #abortcontent ^video\/mp4$ # Do not scan flash files #abort ^.*\.swf$ #abortcontent ^application\/x-shockwave-flash$ # Do not scan sequence of framed Microsoft Media Server (MMS) data packets #abortcontent ^.*application\/x-mms-framed.*$ # White list some sites #whitelist .*\.clamav.net #### # Directives scan, scancontent and blacklist are used in "ScanNothingExcept" mode #### # Only scan MS Document files # scan ^.*\.(doc|docx|pdf|xls)$ # Only scan content-type: application/.* #scancontent ^application\/.*$ # Only scan content from a site #blacklist .*\.getyourvirus\.org #### # See also 'trustuser' and 'trustclient' configuration directives in mode # ScanAllExcept and 'untrustuser' and 'untrustclient' in "ScanNothingExœcept" # mode. See documentation for more details. #### #### # Use libarchive to ban archive with some suspect file inside. ### # Enable use of libarchive. It is disabled by default, clamd will scan all # file in the archives. Enabling this directive allow squidclamav to uncompress # archives and filter according to user-defined rules before passing them to # clamav. See directives bellow for more details. enable_libarchive 0 # Block matching archive entries (supported by libarchive). # eg. zip files containing threats such as ransomeware that are not yet # detected by clamav or other antivirus software (typically 5KB zip files # containing a cab file or a vbe script). #ban_archive_entry ^.*\.(ade|adp|app|asd|asf|asx|bas|bat|cab|chm|cmd|com|cpl|crt|dll|exe|fxp|hlp|hta|hto|inf|ini|ins|isp|jse?|lib|lnk|mdb|mde|msc|msi|msp|mst|ocx|pcd|pif|prg|reg|scr|sct|sh|shb|shs|sys|url|vb|vbe|vbs|vcs|vxd|wmd|wms|wmz|wsc|wsf|wsh)$ # Maximum number of entries in an archive in order to block it if there's at least one match. # Archives with more than ban_max_entries will not be blocked even if there are matches. # A value of 0 (or commented) will ignore the number of entries in an archive. # Suggested value: 1 #ban_max_entries 1 # Maximum number of matched entries in an archive in order to block it. # Archives with more than ban_max_matched_entries matches will not be blocked. # A value of 0 (or commented) will ban an archive when there's at least one entry match. # Suggested value: 1 #ban_max_matched_entries 1 # Maximum size of an archive that may be opened. Any file bigger that this value # will not be scanned. # Suggested value: 2M banmaxsize 2M # Path where banned archives are stored (libarchive). # hard-coded file format: banned_USERNAME_CLIENTIP_UNIXTIME_RAND(99).FILEEXTENSION # USERNAME and CLIENTIP are available when enabling icap_send_client_ip and # icap_send_client_username in squid.conf. # Check clwarn.cgi example to see how you can retrieve the file name and serve it via http. #recoverpath /opt/squidclamav_recover # Enable if virus files should also be copied to recoverpath (libarchive). # hard-coded file format: virus_USERNAME_CLIENTIP_UNIXTIME_RAND(99).FILEEXTENSION # Otherwise only archives containing ban_archive_entry matches will be copied. #recovervirus 1