The file in question is: . * All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ require_once(''); /****f* config/encrypted_configxml * NAME * encrypted_configxml - Checks to see if config.xml is encrypted and if so, prompts to unlock. * INPUTS * None * RESULT * $config - rewrites config.xml without encryption ******/ function encrypted_configxml() { global $g, $config; if (!file_exists(g_get('conf_path') . "/config.xml")) { return; } if (!platform_booting()) { return; } $configtxt = file_get_contents(g_get('conf_path') . "/config.xml"); if (tagfile_deformat($configtxt, $configtxt, "config.xml")) { $fp = fopen('php://stdin', 'r'); $data = ""; echo "\n\n*** Encrypted config.xml detected ***\n"; while ($data == "") { echo "\nEnter the password to decrypt config.xml: "; $decrypt_password = chop(fgets($fp)); $data = decrypt_data($configtxt, $decrypt_password); if (!strstr($data, "")) { $data = ""; } if ($data) { $fd = fopen(g_get('conf_path') . "/config.xml.tmp", "w"); fwrite($fd, $data); fclose($fd); exec("/bin/mv {$g['conf_path']}/config.xml.tmp {$g['conf_path']}/config.xml"); echo "\n" . gettext("Config.xml unlocked.") . "\n"; fclose($fp); //pfSense_fsync("{$g['conf_path']}/config.xml"); } else { echo "\n" . gettext("Invalid password entered. Please try again.") . "\n"; } } } } /****f* config/parse_config * NAME * parse_config - Read in config.cache or config.xml if needed and return $config array * INPUTS * $parse - boolean to force parse_config() to read config.xml and generate config.cache * RESULT * $config - array containing all configuration variables ******/ function parse_config($parse = false) { global $g, $config_parsed, $config_extra; $lockkey = lock('config'); $config_parsed = false; if (!file_exists("{$g['conf_path']}/config.xml") || filesize("{$g['conf_path']}/config.xml") == 0) { $last_backup = discover_last_backup(); if ($last_backup) { log_error(gettext("No config.xml found, attempting last known config restore.")); file_notice("config.xml", gettext("No config.xml found, attempting last known config restore."), "pfSenseConfigurator", ""); restore_backup("{$g['conf_path']}/backup/{$last_backup}"); } else { unlock($lockkey); die(gettext("Config.xml is corrupted and is 0 bytes. Could not restore a previous backup.")); } } if (platform_booting(true)) { echo "."; } // Check for encrypted config.xml encrypted_configxml(); if (!$parse) { if (file_exists(g_get('tmp_path') . '/config.cache')) { $config = unserialize(file_get_contents(g_get('tmp_path') . '/config.cache')); if (!is_array($config)) { $parse = true; } } else { $parse = true; } } if ($parse == true) { if (!file_exists(g_get('conf_path') . "/config.xml")) { if (platform_booting(true)) { echo "."; } log_error("No config.xml found, attempting last known config restore."); file_notice("config.xml", "No config.xml found, attempting last known config restore.", "pfSenseConfigurator", ""); $last_backup = discover_last_backup(); if ($last_backup) { restore_backup("/cf/conf/backup/{$last_backup}"); } else { log_error(gettext("Could not restore config.xml.")); unlock($lockkey); die(gettext("Config.xml is corrupted and is 0 bytes. Could not restore a previous backup.")); } } $config = parse_xml_config(g_get('conf_path') . '/config.xml', array(g_get('xml_rootobj'), 'pfsense')); if ($config == -1) { $last_backup = discover_last_backup(); if ($last_backup) { restore_backup("/cf/conf/backup/{$last_backup}"); } else { log_error(gettext("Could not restore config.xml.")); unlock($lockkey); die("Config.xml is corrupted and is 0 bytes. Could not restore a previous backup."); } } generate_config_cache($config); } if (platform_booting(true)) { echo "."; } $config_parsed = true; unlock($lockkey); return $config; } /****f* config/generate_config_cache * NAME * generate_config_cache - Write serialized configuration to cache. * INPUTS * $config - array containing current firewall configuration * RESULT * boolean - true on completion ******/ function generate_config_cache($config) { global $g, $config_extra; $configcache = fopen(g_get('tmp_path') . '/config.cache', "w"); if (!$configcache) { /* Cannot open file for writing, so stop here. */ return false; } fwrite($configcache, serialize($config)); fclose($configcache); //pfSense_fsync("{$g['tmp_path']}/config.cache"); unset($configcache); /* Used for config.extra.xml */ if (file_exists(g_get('tmp_path') . '/config.extra.cache') && $config_extra) { $configcacheextra = fopen(g_get('tmp_path') . '/config.extra.cache', "w"); fwrite($configcacheextra, serialize($config_extra)); fclose($configcacheextra); //pfSense_fsync("{$g['tmp_path']}/config.extra.cache"); unset($configcacheextra); } return true; } function discover_last_backup() { global $g; $backups = glob('/cf/conf/backup/*.xml'); foreach (array_reverse($backups) as $backup) { /* checking multiple backups when detecting invalid configuration * */ if (filesize($backup) != 0) { $testconfig = parse_xml_config($backup, g_get('xml_rootobj')); if ($testconfig != -1) { return basename($backup); } } } return false; } function restore_backup($file) { global $g; if (file_exists($file)) { /* restore rrddata/xmldata and clear appropriate data, * see */ $data = file_get_contents("$file"); $conf = parse_xml_config("$file", g_get('xml_rootobj')); if ($conf['rrddata']) { restore_rrddata($conf); $data = clear_tagdata("rrd", $data); } if ($conf['sshdata']) { restore_sshdata($conf); $data = clear_tagdata("ssh", $data); } foreach (g_get('backuppath') as $bk => $path) { if (!empty($conf[$bk][$bk.'data'])) { restore_xmldatafile($bk, $conf); $data = clear_tagdata($bk, $data); } } file_put_contents($file, $data); unlink_if_exists("{$g['tmp_path']}/config.cache"); copy("$file", "/cf/conf/config.xml"); //pfSense_fsync("/cf/conf/config.xml"); //pfSense_fsync($g['conf_path']); disable_security_checks(); log_error(sprintf(gettext('%1$s is restoring the configuration %2$s'), g_get('product_label'), $file)); file_notice("config.xml", sprintf(gettext('%1$s is restoring the configuration %2$s'), g_get('product_label'), $file), "pfSenseConfigurator", ""); } } /* * Backup RRD/XML Data */ /* If the config on disk had rrddata/xmldata tags already, remove that section first. * See, *, * */ function clear_tagdata($tag, $data) { $data = preg_replace("/[[:blank:]]*<{$tag}data>.*<\\/{$tag}data>[[:blank:]]*\n*/s", "", $data); $data = preg_replace("/[[:blank:]]*<{$tag}data\\/>[[:blank:]]*\n*/", "", $data); return $data; } function restore_xmldatafile($type='voucher', $conf = false) { global $config, $g; if (!$conf) { $conf = & $config; } foreach ($conf[$type]["{$type}data"]["xmldatafile"] as $file) { $basename = basename($file['filename']); /* fallback to dirname for restoring older backups */ $dirname = $file['path'] ?? dirname($g['backuppath'][$type]); $xmldata_file = "{$dirname}/{$basename}"; if (!is_dir($dirname)) { safe_mkdir($dirname); } if (file_put_contents($xmldata_file, gzinflate(base64_decode($file['data']))) === false) { log_error(sprintf(gettext("Cannot write %s"), $xmldata_file)); continue; } } } function restore_rrddata($conf = false) { global $config, $g, $rrdtool, $input_errors; if (!$conf) { $conf = & $config; } foreach ($conf['rrddata']['rrddatafile'] as $rrd) { if ($rrd['xmldata']) { $rrd_file = "{$g['vardb_path']}/rrd/" . basename($rrd['filename']); $xml_file = preg_replace('/\.rrd$/', ".xml", $rrd_file); if (file_put_contents($xml_file, gzinflate(base64_decode($rrd['xmldata']))) === false) { log_error(sprintf(gettext("Cannot write %s"), $xml_file)); continue; } $output = array(); $status = null; exec("{$rrdtool} restore -f " . escapeshellarg($xml_file) . ' ' . escapeshellarg($rrd_file), $output, $status); if ($status) { log_error("rrdtool restore -f '{$xml_file}' '{$rrd_file}' failed returning {$status}."); continue; } unlink($xml_file); } else if ($rrd['data']) { $rrd_file = "{$g['vardb_path']}/rrd/" . basename($rrd['filename']); $rrd_fd = fopen($rrd_file, "w"); if (!$rrd_fd) { log_error(sprintf(gettext("Cannot write %s"), $rrd_file)); continue; } $data = base64_decode($rrd['data']); /* Try to decompress the data. */ $dcomp = @gzinflate($data); if ($dcomp) { /* If the decompression worked, write the decompressed data */ if (fwrite($rrd_fd, $dcomp) === false) { log_error(sprintf(gettext("fwrite %s failed"), $rrd_file)); continue; } } else { /* If the decompression failed, it wasn't compressed, so write raw data */ if (fwrite($rrd_fd, $data) === false) { log_error(sprintf(gettext("fwrite %s failed"), $rrd_file)); continue; } } if (fclose($rrd_fd) === false) { log_error(sprintf(gettext("fclose %s failed"), $rrd_file)); continue; } } } } function restore_sshdata($conf = false) { global $config, $sshConfigDir; if (!$conf) { $conf = & $config; } $oldmask = umask(); foreach ($conf["sshdata"]["sshkeyfile"] as $sshkey) { $keypath = "{$sshConfigDir}/{$sshkey['filename']}"; if (strstr($sshkey['filename'], 'pub')) { umask(0133); } else { umask(0177); } if (file_put_contents($keypath, gzinflate(base64_decode($sshkey['xmldata']))) === false) { log_error(sprintf(gettext("Cannot write %s"), $sshkey['filename'])); continue; } } umask($oldmask); } /****f* config/parse_config_bootup * NAME * parse_config_bootup - Bootup-specific configuration checks. * RESULT * null ******/ function parse_config_bootup() { global $config, $g; if (platform_booting()) { echo "."; } $lockkey = lock('config'); if (!file_exists("{$g['conf_path']}/config.xml")) { if (platform_booting()) { $last_backup = discover_last_backup(); if ($last_backup) { log_error("No config.xml found, attempting last known config restore."); file_notice("config.xml", gettext("No config.xml found, attempting last known config restore."), "pfSenseConfigurator", ""); restore_backup("/cf/conf/backup/{$last_backup}"); } if (!file_exists("{$g['conf_path']}/config.xml")) { echo sprintf(gettext("XML configuration file not found. %s cannot continue booting."), g_get('product_label')) . "\n"; unlock($lockkey); die(gettext("Could not find a usable configuration file or it's backup! Exiting....")); } else { log_error("Last known config found and restored. Please double check the configuration file for accuracy."); file_notice("config.xml", gettext("Last known config found and restored. Please double check the configuration file for accuracy."), "pfSenseConfigurator", ""); } } else { unlock($lockkey); log_error(gettext("Could not find a usable configuration file! Exiting....")); exit(0); } } if (filesize("{$g['conf_path']}/config.xml") == 0) { $last_backup = discover_last_backup(); if ($last_backup) { log_error(gettext("No config.xml found, attempting last known config restore.")); file_notice("config.xml", gettext("No config.xml found, attempting last known config restore."), "pfSenseConfigurator", ""); restore_backup("{$g['conf_path']}/backup/{$last_backup}"); } else { unlock($lockkey); die(gettext("Config.xml is corrupted and is 0 bytes. Could not restore a previous backup.")); } } unlock($lockkey); $config = parse_config(true); if ((float)$config['version'] > (float)g_get('latest_config')) { echo << 0) { $manual_acb = true; // Manual backups require special processing on the server } $rcnt = 0; $desc = str_replace("-NoReMoTeBaCkUp", "", $desc, $rcnt); if ($rcnt > 0) { $doacb = false; // No ACB will be performed if this string is detected } /* * Syncing vouchers happens every minute and sometimes multiple times. We don't * want to fill up our db with a lot of the same config so just ignore that case. */ if((strpos($desc, 'Syncing vouchers') !== false || strpos($desc, 'Captive Portal Voucher database synchronized') !== false) ) { $doacb = false; } if (!empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) { @phpsession_begin(); if (!empty($_SESSION['Username']) && ($_SESSION['Username'] != "admin")) { $user = getUserEntry($_SESSION['Username']); if (is_array($user) && userHasPrivilege($user, "user-config-readonly")) { syslog(LOG_AUTHPRIV, sprintf(gettext("Save config permission denied by the 'User - Config: Deny Config Write' permission for user '%s'."), get_config_user())); phpsession_end(true); return false; } } if (!isset($argc)) { phpsession_end(true); } } if (isset($config['reset_factory_defaults'])) { /* We have put a default config.xml on disk and are about to reboot or reload it. Do not let any system or package code try to save state to config because that would overwrite the default config with the running config. */ return false; } if ($backup) { backup_config(); } if ($desc == "Unknown") { file_notice("config.xml", gettext( 'WARNING: write_config() was called without description')); } $config['revision'] = make_config_revision_entry($desc); $lockkey = lock('config', LOCK_EX); /* generate configuration XML */ $xmlconfig = dump_xml_config($config, g_get('xml_rootobj')); /* write new configuration */ if (!safe_write_file("{$g['cf_conf_path']}/config.xml", $xmlconfig)) { log_error(gettext("WARNING: Config contents could not be saved. Could not open file!")); unlock($lockkey); file_notice("config.xml", sprintf(gettext('Unable to open %1$s/config.xml for writing in write_config()%2$s'), g_get('cf_conf_path'), "\n")); return -1; } if (config_get_path('syslog/logconfigchanges') != "disabled") { log_error(gettext("Configuration Change") . ": {$config['revision']['description']}"); } cleanup_backupcache(true); /* re-read configuration */ /* NOTE: We assume that the file can be parsed since we wrote it. */ $config = parse_xml_config("{$g['conf_path']}/config.xml", g_get('xml_rootobj')); if ($config == -1) { copy("{$g['conf_path']}/config.xml", "{$g['conf_path']}/config.xml.bad"); $last_backup = discover_last_backup(); if ($last_backup) { restore_backup("/cf/conf/backup/{$last_backup}"); $config = parse_xml_config("{$g['conf_path']}/config.xml", g_get('xml_rootobj')); if (platform_booting()) { echo "\n\n ************** WARNING **************"; echo "\n\n Configuration could not be validated. A previous configuration was restored. \n"; echo "\n The failed configuration file has been saved as {$g['conf_path']}/config.xml.bad \n\n"; } } else { log_error(gettext("Could not restore config.xml.")); } } else { generate_config_cache($config); } unlock($lockkey); if ($write_config_only) { return $config; } unlink_if_exists("/usr/local/pkg/pf/carp_sync_client.php"); /* sync carp entries to other firewalls */ carp_sync_client(); if (is_dir("/usr/local/pkg/write_config")) { /* process packager manager custom rules */ run_plugins("/usr/local/pkg/write_config/"); } // Try the core AutoConfigBackup system if (is_array($config['system']['acb']) && $config['system']['acb']['enable'] == "yes" && (!isset($config['system']['acb']['frequency']) || $config['system']['acb']['frequency'] == "every") || file_exists("/tmp/forceacb")) { if ($doacb) { require_once(""); upload_config($manual_acb); } if (file_exists("/tmp/forceacb")) { unlink("/tmp/forceacb"); } } return $config; } /****f* config/reset_factory_defaults * NAME * reset_factory_defaults - Reset the system to its default configuration. * RESULT * integer - indicates completion ******/ function reset_factory_defaults($lock = false, $reboot_required = true) { global $config, $g; /* pre-installed packages list * add packages that do not need to be removed during a factory reset */ $pluspkgs = array('pfSense-pkg-ipsec-profile-wizard', 'pfSense-pkg-aws-wizard', 'pfSense-pkg-Netgate_Firmware_Upgrade'); /* Remove all additional packages */ if (is_array($config['installedpackages']) && is_array($config['installedpackages']['package'])) { foreach (get_pkg_info('all', true, true) as $pkg) { if (in_array($pkg['name'], $pluspkgs)) { /* do not remove pfSense Plus factory packages, NG #5913 */ continue; } else { mwexec("/bin/sh /usr/local/sbin/{$g['product_name']}-upgrade " . "-r {$pkg['name']} -f"); } } } if (!$lock) { $lockkey = lock('config', LOCK_EX); } /* create conf directory, if necessary */ safe_mkdir(g_get('cf_conf_path')); /* clear out /conf */ $dh = opendir(g_get('conf_path')); while ($filename = readdir($dh)) { if (($filename != ".") && ($filename != "..") && (!is_dir(g_get('conf_path') . "/" . $filename))) { if ($filename == "enableserial_force") continue; unlink_if_exists(g_get('conf_path') . "/" . $filename); } } closedir($dh); unlink_if_exists(g_get('tmp_path') . "/config.cache"); /* copy default configuration */ copy("{$g['conf_default_path']}/config.xml", "{$g['cf_conf_path']}/config.xml"); disable_security_checks(); /* Let write_config know that we are awaiting reload of the current config to factory defaults. Either the system is about to reboot, throwing away the current in-memory config as it shuts down, or the in-memory config is about to be reloaded on-the-fly by parse_config. In both cases, we want to ensure that write_config does not flush the in-memory config back to disk. */ $config['reset_factory_defaults'] = true; /* call the wizard */ if ($reboot_required) { // If we need a reboot first then touch a different trigger file. touch("/conf/trigger_initial_wizard_after_reboot"); } else { touch("/conf/trigger_initial_wizard"); } if (!$lock) { unlock($lockkey); } console_configure(); return 0; } function config_restore($conffile) { global $config, $g; if (!file_exists($conffile)) { return 1; } backup_config(); $lockkey = lock('config', LOCK_EX); unlink_if_exists("{$g['tmp_path']}/config.cache"); copy($conffile, "{$g['cf_conf_path']}/config.xml"); disable_security_checks(); unlock($lockkey); $config = parse_config(true); write_config(sprintf(gettext("Reverted to %s."), array_pop(explode("/", $conffile))), false); return 0; } function config_install($conffile) { global $config, $g; if (!file_exists($conffile)) { return 1; } if (!config_validate("{$conffile}")) { return 1; } if (platform_booting()) { echo gettext("Installing configuration...") . "\n"; } else { log_error(gettext("Installing configuration ....")); } $lockkey = lock('config', LOCK_EX); copy($conffile, "{$g['conf_path']}/config.xml"); disable_security_checks(); /* unlink cache file if it exists */ if (file_exists("{$g['tmp_path']}/config.cache")) { unlink("{$g['tmp_path']}/config.cache"); } unlock($lockkey); return 0; } /* * Disable security checks for DNS rebind and HTTP referrer until next time * they pass (or reboot), to aid in preventing accidental lockout when * restoring settings like hostname, domain, IP addresses, and settings * related to the DNS rebind and HTTP referrer checks. * Intended for use when restoring a configuration or directly * modifying config.xml without an unconditional reboot. */ function disable_security_checks() { global $g; touch("{$g['tmp_path']}/disable_security_checks"); } /* Restores security checks. Should be called after all succeed. */ function restore_security_checks() { global $g; unlink_if_exists("{$g['tmp_path']}/disable_security_checks"); } /* Returns status of security check temporary disable. */ function security_checks_disabled() { global $g; return file_exists("{$g['tmp_path']}/disable_security_checks"); } function config_validate($conffile) { global $g, $xmlerr; $xml_parser = xml_parser_create(); if (!($fp = fopen($conffile, "r"))) { $xmlerr = gettext("XML error: unable to open file"); return false; } while ($data = fread($fp, 4096)) { if (!xml_parse($xml_parser, $data, feof($fp))) { $xmlerr = sprintf(gettext('%1$s at line %2$d'), xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($xml_parser)), xml_get_current_line_number($xml_parser)); return false; } } xml_parser_free($xml_parser); fclose($fp); return true; } function cleanup_backupcache($lock = false) { global $config, $g; $i = false; $revisions = intval(is_numericint($config['system']['backupcount']) ? $config['system']['backupcount'] : g_get('default_config_backup_count')); if (!$lock) { $lockkey = lock('config'); } $backups = get_backups(); if ($backups) { $baktimes = $backups['versions']; unset($backups['versions']); } else { $backups = array(); $baktimes = array(); } $newbaks = array(); $bakfiles = glob(g_get('cf_conf_path') . "/backup/config-*"); $tocache = array(); foreach ($bakfiles as $backup) { // Check for backups in the directory not represented in the cache. $backupsize = filesize($backup); if ($backupsize == 0) { unlink($backup); continue; } $backupexp = explode('-', $backup); $backupexp = explode('.', array_pop($backupexp)); $tocheck = array_shift($backupexp); unset($backupexp); if (!in_array($tocheck, $baktimes)) { $i = true; if (platform_booting()) { echo "."; } try { $newxml = parse_xml_config($backup, array(g_get('xml_rootobj'), 'pfsense')); } catch (Exception $exc) { log_error(sprintf(gettext("The backup cache file %s is corrupted. Parser error message: %s"), $backup, $exc->getMessage())); $newxml = "-1"; } if ($newxml == "-1") { log_error(sprintf(gettext("The backup cache file %s is corrupted. Unlinking."), $backup)); unlink($backup); continue; } if ($newxml['revision']['description'] == "") { $newxml['revision']['description'] = "Unknown"; } if ($newxml['version'] == "") { $newxml['version'] = "?"; } $tocache[$tocheck] = array('description' => $newxml['revision']['description'], 'version' => $newxml['version'], 'filesize' => $backupsize); } } foreach ($backups as $checkbak) { if (count(preg_grep('/' . $checkbak['time'] . '/i', $bakfiles)) != 0) { $newbaks[] = $checkbak; } else { $i = true; if (platform_booting()) print " " . $tocheck . "r"; } } foreach ($newbaks as $todo) { $tocache[$todo['time']] = array('description' => $todo['description'], 'version' => $todo['version'], 'filesize' => $todo['filesize']); } if (is_int($revisions) and (count($tocache) > $revisions)) { $toslice = array_slice(array_keys($tocache), 0, $revisions); $newcache = array(); foreach ($toslice as $sliced) { $newcache[$sliced] = $tocache[$sliced]; } foreach ($tocache as $version => $versioninfo) { if (!in_array($version, array_keys($newcache))) { unlink_if_exists(g_get('conf_path') . '/backup/config-' . $version . '.xml'); } } $tocache = $newcache; } $bakout = fopen(g_get('cf_conf_path') . '/backup/backup.cache', "w"); fwrite($bakout, serialize($tocache)); fclose($bakout); //pfSense_fsync("{$g['cf_conf_path']}/backup/backup.cache"); if (!$lock) { unlock($lockkey); } } function get_backups() { global $g; if (file_exists("{$g['cf_conf_path']}/backup/backup.cache")) { $confvers = unserialize(file_get_contents("{$g['cf_conf_path']}/backup/backup.cache")); $bakvers = array_keys($confvers); $toreturn = array(); sort($bakvers); // $bakvers = array_reverse($bakvers); foreach (array_reverse($bakvers) as $bakver) { $toreturn[] = array('time' => $bakver, 'description' => $confvers[$bakver]['description'], 'version' => $confvers[$bakver]['version'], 'filesize' => $confvers[$bakver]['filesize']); } } else { return false; } $toreturn['versions'] = $bakvers; return $toreturn; } function backup_config() { global $config, $g; /* Create backup directory if needed */ safe_mkdir("{$g['cf_conf_path']}/backup"); if ($config['revision']['time'] == "") { $baktime = 0; } else { $baktime = config_get_path('revision/time'); } if ($config['revision']['description'] == "") { $bakdesc = "Unknown"; } else { $bakdesc = config_get_path('revision/description'); } $bakver = ($config['version'] == "") ? "?" : $config['version']; $bakfilename = g_get('cf_conf_path') . '/backup/config-' . $baktime . '.xml'; copy(g_get('cf_conf_path') . '/config.xml', $bakfilename); if (file_exists(g_get('cf_conf_path') . '/backup/backup.cache')) { $backupcache = unserialize(file_get_contents(g_get('cf_conf_path') . '/backup/backup.cache')); } else { $backupcache = array(); } $backupcache[$baktime] = array('description' => $bakdesc, 'version' => $bakver, 'filesize' => filesize($bakfilename)); $bakout = fopen(g_get('cf_conf_path') . '/backup/backup.cache', "w"); fwrite($bakout, serialize($backupcache)); fclose($bakout); //pfSense_fsync("{$g['cf_conf_path']}/backup/backup.cache"); return true; } function backup_info($backup_info, $number) { if ($backup_info['time'] != 0) { $date = date(gettext("n/j/y H:i:s"), $backup_info['time']); } else { $date = gettext("Unknown"); } list($page, $reason) = explode(": ", $backup_info['description'], 2); if (empty($reason)) { $reason = $page; $page = gettext("Unknown Page"); } $backup_info = sprintf("%02d", $number) . ". {$date}\tv{$backup_info['version']}\t{$page}\n"; if ($reason) { $backup_info .= " {$reason}\n"; } return $backup_info; } function set_device_perms() { $devices = array( 'pf' => array( 'user' => 'root', 'group' => 'proxy', 'mode' => 0660), ); foreach ($devices as $name => $attr) { $path = "/dev/$name"; if (file_exists($path)) { chown($path, $attr['user']); chgrp($path, $attr['group']); chmod($path, $attr['mode']); } } } function get_config_user() { if (empty($_SESSION["Username"])) { $username = getenv("USER"); if (empty($conuser) || $conuser == "root") { $username = "(system)"; } } else { $username = $_SESSION["Username"]; } if (!empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) { $username .= '@' . get_user_remote_address() . get_user_remote_authsource(); } return $username; } function make_config_revision_entry($desc = null, $override_user = null) { if (empty($override_user)) { $username = get_config_user(); } else { $username = $override_user; } $revision = array(); if (time() > mktime(0, 0, 0, 9, 1, 2004)) { /* make sure the clock settings are plausible */ $revision['time'] = time(); } /* Log the running script so it's not entirely unlogged what changed */ if ($desc == "Unknown") { $desc = sprintf(gettext("%s made unknown change"), $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']); } if (!empty($desc)) { $revision['description'] = "{$username}: " . $desc; } $revision['username'] = $username; return $revision; } function pfSense_clear_globals() { global $config, $g, $FilterIfList, $GatewaysList, $filterdns, $aliases, $aliastable; $error = error_get_last(); // Errors generated by user code (diag_commands.php) are identified by path and not added to notices if ($error !== NULL && !preg_match('|^' . preg_quote(g_get('tmp_path_user_code')) . '/[^/]{1,16}$|', $error['file'])) { if (in_array($error['type'], array(E_ERROR, E_COMPILE_ERROR, E_CORE_ERROR, E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR))) { $errorstr = "PHP ERROR: Type: {$error['type']}, File: {$error['file']}, Line: {$error['line']}, Message: {$error['message']}"; print($errorstr); log_error($errorstr); file_notice("phperror", $errorstr, 'PHP errors'); } else if ($error['type'] != E_NOTICE) { $errorstr = "PHP WARNING: Type: {$error['type']}, File: {$error['file']}, Line: {$error['line']}, Message: {$error['message']}"; // XXX: comment out for now, should re-enable post-2.2 //print($errorstr); //log_error($errorstr); //file_notice("phpwarning", $errorstr, 'PHP warning'); } } if (isset($FilterIfList)) { unset($FilterIfList); } if (isset($GatewaysList)) { unset($GatewaysList); } /* Used for the hostname dns resolver */ if (isset($filterdns)) { unset($filterdns); } /* Used for aliases and interface macros */ if (isset($aliases)) { unset($aliases); } if (isset($aliastable)) { unset($aliastable); } unset($config); } /* * Same semantics as init_config_arr(), but with the new * path string interface. */ function config_init_path(string $path) { global $config; array_init_path($config, $path); } /* * Notice: Use config_init_path() instead, if you must... * * This is retained for compatibility with older code * * Initialize a config array multiple levels deep only if unset * Pass it an array of keys to test and create * init_config_arr(array('virtualip', 'vip')); */ function init_config_arr($keys) { // just translate the old signature to the new one config_init_path(implode('/', $keys)); } /** * Return a value specified by path in the config, if it exists. * @param $path string path with '/' separators * @param $default mixed value to return if the path is not found * @returns mixed value at path or $default if the path does not exist or if the * path keys an empty string and $default is non-null */ function config_get_path(string $path, $default = null) { global $config; return(array_get_path($config, $path, $default)); } /** * Set a value by path in the config, creating arrays for intermediary keys as * necessary. If the path cannot be reached because an intermediary exists but * is not empty or an array, return $default. * @param $path string path with '/' separators * @param $val mixed * @param $default mixed value to return if the path is not found * @returns mixed $val or $default if the path prefix does not exist */ function config_set_path(string $path, $value, $default = null) { global $config; return (array_set_path($config, $path, $value, $default)); } /** * Determine whether a path in the config has a non-null value keyed by * $enable_key. Some parts of the config historically identify services as * enabled by having a key to a non-null value named 'enable', and checking it * with isset(). This can be counter-intuitive as isset() will return true if * the array element is any non-null value that evaluates to false. * @param $path string path with '/' separators * @param $enable_key string an optional alternative key value for the enable key * @returns bool true if $enable_key exists in the array at $path, and has a * non-null value, otherwise false. */ function config_path_enabled(string $path, $enable_key = "enable") { global $config; return (array_path_enabled($config, $path, $enable_key)); } /** * Remove a key from the config by path * @param $path string path with '/' separators * @returns array copy of the removed value or null */ function config_del_path(string $path) { global $config; return (array_del_path($config, $path)); } register_shutdown_function('pfSense_clear_globals');