WebGUI WAN Fresh Install 4.3.4
Hello all.
I just did a fresh install on a vmware esxi vm. Everything loaded up just fine but im having an issue with the WebGUI on the WAN. After i configured the ips on the shell access i went in and disabled the firewall by running pfctl -d. I was able to get in and go through the wizard running out of time and running pfctl -d again ;). However after i got into the firewall rules i just did a WAN PASS * * * * * * * and saved it, when im sitting pfsense up i just open everything and lock it down later. This has worked countless times in the past however i cant ping i cant access the webgui, the firewall rule is there and i verify its there by pfctl -d again and checking the rules. I've even restarted the box. No dice. Am i just having a bad day and forgetting something or is something wrong.