"Flush all states when a gateway goes down" ?
What does this feature do: "Flush all states when a gateway goes down"? Wouldn't states automatically be killed? I think checking feature is better i.e. more private? Assuming I trust PIA…
I find it following: System → Advanced → Miscellaneous → Gateway Monitoring → “Flush all states when a gateway goes down”
I am trying to make it so when my VPN(PIA) goes down nothing comes in and all states are killed...
I have the appropriate rules on my interfaces, I have checked: System → Advanced → Miscellaneous → Gateway Monitoring → Skip rules when gateway is down. Everything is working(when VPN is up) but trying to tune my networking more...
Thanks to all...
If the upstream device that you're pining is not very reliable, any time the device stops responding, it will effectively kill your internet as all states will be flushed. I disabled this myself because my Internet is fine, but the target device, while mostly reliable, periodically goes down.