IPSec Routing with 2 VPNs with same Subnet behind Network
I have a problem that i have to solve.
We have a pfsense 2.3.4p1 Firewall on Main Site and 2 ZyWall 60 on the Costumer Site. We have a IPSec VPN Tunnel for each of the ZyWall 60, this works fine.
But on the LAN ( we have 2 Terminal-Servers, 1 of them have to connect to the Webserver behind the LAN and the other Terminal-Server have to connect to the Webserver behind the LAN I know that i have to do a second Phase 2 on the IPSec Connections, but how I can define that Terminal-Server A have to go to the IPSec Tunnel and the Terminal-Server B have to go to the IPSec Tunnel I have two times the same rule in the Phase 2 (Local Subnet: to Remote Subnet: A-(–-----| |---------ZyWall60----------
|---- --pfsense---WAN----|
Terminal-Server B-(| |---------ZyWall60---------- regards
dynw -
So this customer site has duplicated network 10.200.201/24… And this is downstream of a 10.0.x network? This is not just a transit network? There are hosts on these 10.0.x networks?
What I would do is fix the customers site ;) Makes no sense as drawn..
Hi johnpoz
Thanks for your reply.
Yes on the Network 10.0.x are hosts. But this are two different customers and I don't can change the Subnet I have draw another picture.
I think, we need a policy based routing with the possibility to define Gataways on the IPSec Interface.![pfsense routing.jpg](/public/imported_attachments/1/pfsense routing.jpg)
![pfsense routing.jpg_thumb](/public/imported_attachments/1/pfsense routing.jpg_thumb)