IPsec Multi-Wan Failover Pfsense 2.4.2-RELEASE-p1
I have a PFsense firewall with 2 WAN connections. I created a gateway group with those interfaces.
Also, I created an IPsec connection using the gateway group. The endpoint device of the IPsec tunnel is a Cisco firewall.The issue is the following:
Once I disconnect the WAN#1 the IPsec connections start using the WAN2#. That is fine.
But once the WAN#1 is online, the IPsec connection still running over the WAN#2. I need that when WAN#1 is back online, the IPsec switch automatically to that connection.The only way that I get to switch between the WAN connections is to disable the WAN#2. Once I make that, the IPsec tunnel start running over the WAN#1
Someone knows if there is a script or feature to enable on PFsense to make that switch automatically?
All the help with this request will be appreciated