telegraf package ssl
Could the telegraf package be updated so it works with SSL and certificates? Last thing I would want is my telegraf data being sent unencrypted so anyone can read it.
@newedge, Ever figure this out? My influxDB is https-only and I can say I was disappointed that the telegraph plugin still doesn't have options for certs and https on the telegraph service config screen.
Is there a reference for what can be added to the the "Additional Configuration for Telegraf" free-form text box at the bottom of the page?
What's the right way to get this configured behind-the-scenes?
It looks like it is possible to connect via https but no way to load a client certificate. With out the client certificate there is no way to authenticate the client using the certificate. username/password at the database level is just not sufficient. Access should be blocked/granted at the certificate level. There needs to be a way to add the two certificates and private key to the pfsense telegraf client.