FreeRADIUS 3 + Samba 4
Hey guys, I'm trying to authenticate users with radius + ldap and I don't know what to do anymore.
(I'm not using captive portal, I'll do a WPA2-Enterprise)
I'm on pfSense 2.4.4 with the last version of the FreeRADIUS package (3.0.17) and my samba is version 4.7.6.
and my guess is that is something to do with auth types.Last error log trying to log with NTRadPing:
Auth: (5) Login incorrect (Failed retrieving values required to evaluate condition): [administrator/Digital.wave2014] (from client wks-rafael port 0).
smb.conf: 3_1543544922306_smb.conf.txt
radiusd.conf 2_1543544922306_radiusd.conf.txt
eap.conf: 1_1543544922306_eap.conf.txt
ldap: 0_1543544922306_ldap.txt
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