Frequent breaks in connectivity
I configured an OpenVPN client on pfSense v2.4.4-RELEASE-p3
Quite often, I lose the connectivity between the internal network and the VPN.
I do not see any particular message in the logs (Current verbosity level is 4).
The only solution is to restart the OpenVPN service and then it works directly.
Post your settings and the Log.
Here attached the config file and log
log.txt config.xml -
Please share screenshots with your settings and include the logfile in your posting.
Ton log :
Sep 23 06:03:02 openvpn 31296 WARNING: file '/var/etc/openvpn/client1.up' is group or others accessible Sep 23 06:03:02 openvpn 5052 SIGTERM[hard,] received, process exiting
Le process "31296" est connected - last news : this WARNING
But then : another process "5052" receives a (local ?) SIGTERM, which means : the process received the order to stop.
My questions are : who is process 31296 - and who is process 5052 ?
Do you have a server and client OpenVPN ?
Several system (pfSense) can restart services like OpenVPN.
One of them is : unbound (the DNS cache resolver) - did it restart at the same moment ? -
There is no OpenVPN server on this pfSense. And no other OpenVPN process than this client.
The logs you've picked show 06:03, which is when I restarted manually the OpenVPN client connection. I lost the connectivity around 05:15.
The DNS resolver is disabled.