CONTEST: Lowest pfsense box wattage!
I am not sure if this is something that is around here already but I thought this would be fun and interesting. Post how much power your pfsense box is using in watts and see who wins! You will need a meter to participate and it would also be more fun if you posted the hardware that you are using! This might go a long way to answering newbie questions when it comes to hardware and low power since it is an issue with the rising costs of energy.
It's going to be a tie between everyone using an Alix…
or a blowout loss for everyone using x700's.
Unless the older WRAP boards take less power…
I figured I would get some responses at least.
i´m far from lowest but i guess it goto start somwhere
P3 933mhz
I have a couple boxes. I finally got a meter on one. My Nortel Network Contivity 100 with an overclocked K6-2+ (I replaced the Cyrix chip with a blazing fast K6-2+) uses about 50 watts to load and runs at about 31 watts.
My current firewall is a VIA board and I have to throw the meter on that.
Biggest two problems with this contest are lack of energy meters(especially good ones) and annoyance of taking whole network down just to measure it. I'll try to get some before/after results from UPS management software when i get chance to upgrade this box. It'll be weeks or even months before that happens tho.
or a blowout loss for everyone using x700's.
X750 would be interesting. It has mobile Celeron-M 320 instead desktop P3 based Celeron 1.2
Won't propably have any chance againsts lightest boards as it has lots of extra hardware on board like Cavium NitroX lite etc. I think i'll take bunch of photos and start new topic abot this box when i finally manage to obtain reasonably priced Pentium-M 780.
My ALIX box draws 5w according to a Kill-a-Watt. It varies up or down by a watt or two depending on how busy the CPU is.