Weird issue when virtualizing pfSense on Proxmox VE
I decided to try and virtualize pfsense because sometimes you don't have a spare bare metal hardware to dedicate to it or you do but it's just not worth it for the little amount of resources that pfsense needs (in small to medium networks).
Everything works fine except for one weird issue that I've noticed and I'm pretty sure didn't exist when it was on bare metal.
The issue is this: When I run a speed test ( or others) after a few seconds it starts affecting the response time (RTT and RTTsd) of all the VPN gateways (doesn't seem to affect the WAN) raising the latency to a point where I think they would go down if I were to download a large file in full speed.
After a few tests I've noticed it's actually the upload part that chokes these gateways.
As I said, I'm pretty sure it didn't exist before. Otherwise I would have noticed such behavior and connections would be going down every few minutes...I think.
I set this VM to have all the CPU cores (8), but perhaps on bare metal every VPN client got its own thread and with virtualization it shares these threads with everything that is on proxmox (common sense) ? Although there's nothing on proxmox right now except for that pfSense VM.
Any idea why does it happen?
Thank you,
Edit: after a few seconds it starts affecting the response time (RTT and RTTsd) of all the gateways (VPN and WAN) raising the latency to a point where I think they would go down if I were to download/upload on full speed for more than a minute or two.
Edit 2: I think it's either a bug in 2.45-p1 version of pfsense or something really weird is going on. I just switched back to a bare metal installation and it's still happening. Same exact problem....never noticed such a behavior before. Any idea fellas?