Few Common Issues after upgrading to Pfsense 2.5.0 - BSD 12-2 Stable
I am using an old HP Proliant GL 360 server as my base machine.
i have upgraded as new version came out without any hitches and have found the software versions (Free versions) to be very well rounded. I have however the last upgrade been experiencing some issues which I could not as yet find a good solution too.
i recently upgraded to version 2.5.0 on BSD version 12-2 Stable. I use ntopng for traffic monitoring to determine which sites is visited and which traffic is breaking my bandwidth bank on which devices to try and streamline my usage.
Since the last upgrade i find that I have issues getting into the ntopng web interface. i have to go back into ntopng settings then run geolite 2 update save settings then it will open.
not sure how to resolve this tried reinstalling ntopng but does the same thing. i have not reloaded the software since i started experimenting with pfsense but only upgrade as new versions emerged.
Some advice will be appreciated.