After upgrade from 2.4.5 to 2.5.1 getting arpresolve: can't allocate llinfo for xx.xx.xx.xx on bge2 error
I have updated my pfsense carp setup, and after a few hours i saw that my swap and memory is almost on 100% percent .
I found in the logs that May 8 20:10:38 kernel arpresolve: can't allocate llinfo for xx.xx.xx.xx on igb0 on the secondary node and the primary to just with bge0.
In the command promt i watched a ps -auxwd and saw that the bind package what is making crap.
Tired to reinstall, made restart, when i checked my dns with mxtoolbox it was not reachable, but it was running.
After disabling and enabling carp on my primary node, it looks almost okay, but after a log clear on the secondary node im still getting this error every second a few time.
Someone has any ide for this situation?
Thanks for the help!