Install pfsense on Watchguard T15 Firebox?
Hello! I found a T15 Firebox unit for less than $10 and figured it would be adequate enough for my home. I would like to slip pfsense onto it and bypass any subscriptions, however I have found zero information on how I might go about doing that. From looking at instructions for other watchguard conversions, I’m guessing I’ll need a serial cable. Unless I’m mistaken, the T15’s serial port is attached inline with one of the Ethernet ports, meaning I’ll need a serial cable with a male USB on one end + male RJ45 on the other.
Would the instructions be the same past that point?
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Best regards! -
The T15 does not use an X86 CPU, it has a POWER architecture processor. As such it cannot run pfSense.
You may be able to run OpenWRT but it would likely require some development work.