sometimes no sip data with Hybrid Outbound NAT -> FW restartet needed to make it work again
My Problem: i have a mini telephone system (1x Fritzbox, once 3CX in VM) behind a Pfsense at 2 locations. Runs with Hybrid Outbound NAT. Everything works fine and the configuration seems perfect since there are no problems in everyday life.
Now it happens every 4-8 weeks that no conversation data goes through the firewall - so the conversation is set up but both sides hear nothing. Every device is accessible and the TK is online!
The solution is a hardreboot or reset the state table and drive a softreboot of the FW.Info: Netagte Hardware 2100
Previus Stable Version 23.09.1My question: has anyone had similar problems and / or an idea why this could be due or how this can be avoided?
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