I'm lost after 4 days of trying things my way
Ok, My network used to be a tplink be11000 with three mesh coming off of it. It was set at, then I went from it to a tplink ax1800 that went to my lab setup. I did have double NAT but never noticed an issue.
So I installed my Netgate 1100 after my Arris modem. I put my tplink BE11000 into bridge mode. I set lan at and opt at
This ai not working at all. I guess my confusion is what do I do with WAN , I am hooked up to serial port now, Will my modem change my wan IP? Then do I let the wan be DHCP or do I let lan and opt be DHCP? I've tried multiple configurations and I can't get past wan for some mysterious reason??
Please, I'm trying to learn and I've spent 4 days and made 0 progress. -
The pfSense WAN should be set to DHCP. It should pull a public IP from the ISP directly via the modem.
You may need to power cycle the modem to allow the new MAC address from the 1100 WAN.
I figured this out. I just had a big brain f@rt. I was trying to change my wan to one of my local address. I let Pfsense do its thing.
P.S and thank you because I did still have to reboot. Appreciate the help