SLA monitoring and Nagios
I've searched but have not found a post that provides a satisfying answer.
My client, is looking to set up a new Leased Line (yay me, less hassles with ADSL :))
Part of the agreement is that we, my client, gets a cash back for each month where the SLA is not met. Is there anyway I can monitor traffic statistics and have pfSense mail said statistics upon failure to meet the defined SLA (99.99% uptime / 2Mb)?
On another note, I have Nagios set up to monitor several servers. Can I get the statistics through Nagios?
If it's setup as a WAN-type interface in pfSense it will keep uptime data (the quality graph) for the interface.
You could use nagios to get the traffic passing on the interface, you just need to enable SNMP under Services > SNMP.
I'll try that on Monday when I spin out a new VM. Don't worry, pfSense is on its own box.
One question, would you know of a way how I can aggregate all the info at the Nagios end?
you can always install NRPE, then create your local check inside of the pfsense box, and get the data from Nagios using NRPE