Pfsense on nokia ip650?
We have a couple of nokia ip650s we've been trying to install pfsense on and have had no luck. They've come with modules with a cf card and a laptop harddrive. We've checked the bios and noted that the boot up sequence shows the harddrive first but no luck in getting pfsense to boot. Anyone know much about this hardware and how to get pfsense loaded and running?
Jim -
I have it running on an IP330 with a ide to compact flash card adapter. I flashed the embedded image to the compact flash card, stuck it in, and it boots up.
The IP650 doesn't have VGA output correct?? If so then you need to use the embedded image. Either use dd and write it to the hard drive, try the compact flash slot already in there, which is probably proprietary to nokia, or get and ide to cf flash adapter.
Once you get that working if you want to venture into using the full install on the embedded box you could install pfSense on the hard drive with another box. Make sure to not create a swap partition. Then change /etc/platform to embedded. Stick the drive back in the nokia box and boot. I've heard this works, but haven't tested it yet.
We've gotten it to run on ip330s and ip440s (the 400 series if not a 440). The 650 does have video access but the card that plugs into the front of the unit with the cf card, harddrive and nics is difficult to control. We have not been able to get one going yet even though we have tried booting via the hdd and the cf card.