Loss TCP package
Hi all!
I’m a newbie system admin.
I’m configuring a pfsense firewall and faced a problem.
This is my system:
Pfsense có 2 interface:
-1WAN: 210.x.x.Y
Server Centos 6.3 có 2 interface:
-1WAN: 210.x.x.Z
-default gateway:
From 118.x.x.x I can ping to 210.x.x.Z
But when I telnet to 210.x.x.Z:3306 has a problem:
To 210.x.x.Z…Could not open connection to the host, on port 3306: Connect failed
(mysql is good running and iptables is stoped)
I tried capture packages on pfsense and I see packages are nice:
-118.x.x.x -> 210.x.x.Z:3306
-210.x.x.Z:3306 -> 118.x.x.x
I guess that can because of firewall, I enable package log on all interface an don’t see any related packages.
Please help me.
Suggestion or send any link, any information is helpful.
Thanks a lot!