Lan network very slow
I tryed it, with your file and a file hosted in the netherlands.
so it seems that it is on the wan side, but when i disconnect the cable on the wan side and hooked it up on my laptop the speed is about 4 á 6 times faster.
so what will be the next step.
[2.1.3-RELEASE][admin@moraine.camping]/root(1): fetch -o /dev/null
/dev/null 100% of 10 MB 456 kBps 00m00s[2.1.3-RELEASE][admin@moraine.camping]/root(2): fetch -o /dev/null
/dev/null 100% of 10 MB 439 kBps 00m00s -
Hmm, well you are seeing 456kBps which is 3.6Mbps at the pfSense box. Seems like that's quite close to your 4Mbps line speed, no?
It's much faster than 0.98Mbps.I suspect this is almost certainly an issue with the captive portal setup throttling the bandwidth somehow.
What hardware are you running this on?Steve
I'm running an
AMD Athlon64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4200+ (2204.61-MHz K8-class CPU)
real memory = 1073741824 (1024 MB)
avail memory = 943992832 (900 MB)on my dashboard the load of the machine is not above 10 to 20%
You agree then that the WAN download speed is close to what you expect?
What is your WAN bandwidth supposed to be, what's it rated at by the ISP?Steve
yes the wan speed is close to that the ISP give. they say about 4Mbit is the line speed.
so that looks fine. next step is to find out why captive portal is slowing things down.
Clearly it's not a hardware limitation that machine should be easily capable of 100X that speed.
So is this a fresh install that has always exhibited this problem or did you upgrade from a previously working version?
Clearly there is something amiss here. When you disabled captive portal how did you do it? Are/were you running any other traffic shaping?
it is on a running server, which started 1,5 year ago. until about 3 weeks ago this problem started.
it could be after updating the server from a previous software version.
But that i can't recall, i have setup the system to install updates automaticas far as i can tell, there is no speed limit setuped in captive portal.
It cannot update without some manual interaction. 2.1.3 was released at the beginning of May so that seems likely. Some other users have possibly had issues with old traffic shaping rules. You have never used traffic shaping on this box?
I had a bandwidth limitation for one user (ip aders) in the firewall rules.
That was a traffic shaping rule.I already deleted these rules with no luck.
is there some tool to send you all the settings, so you could verify the settings.
You could probably pm me the config.xml file or just attach it here, after you've removed all the passwords, private addresses etc.
I can't promise anything though. ;)Steve
send you a pm, because i don't know how to remove privacy information like passwords and ssh information.
Ok, so looking thorough your config file my best guess here is that the limit you are hitting is caused by the ezshaper section at the bottom. You have the total upload and download set to 8Mb and 4Mb but since that's from the point of view of the LAN intreface that would be an 8Mbps download speed for clients. Then you have the bandwidth limiter set to 15% which would be 1.2Mbps, close to what you're seeing. For some reason your traffic is being caught by this. I'm not sufficently familiar with the traffic shaper to say quite what has happened here.
A simple test would be to change the 15% to, say, 30% and see if you see double the throughput. I'm not sure where that fingure would be stored though, you'll have to hunt around for it. ;)Steve
and where can i find the settings vor ezshaper.
I searched the config file and changed the up and download speed, even alterd the % now going to try if this give us a performance boost.
This is what i made off it.
for a while it looks good, but i'm trying to monitor it through the day
<step5><enable>on</enable> <bandwidth>80</bandwidth> <bandwidthunit>%</bandwidthunit> <aimster>on</aimster> <bittorrent>on</bittorrent> <buddyshare>on</buddyshare> <cutemx>on</cutemx> <dcplusplus>on</dcplusplus> <dcc>on</dcc> <directconnect>on</directconnect> <directfileexpress>on</directfileexpress> <edonkey2000>on</edonkey2000> <fasttrack>on</fasttrack> <gnutella>on</gnutella> <grouper>on</grouper> <hotcomm>on</hotcomm> <hotlineconnect>on</hotlineconnect> <imesh>on</imesh> <napster>on</napster> <opennap>on</opennap> <scour>on</scour> <shareaza>on</shareaza> <songspy>on</songspy> <winmx>on</winmx></step5> <step2><uploadscheduler>PRIQ</uploadscheduler> <connupload>100000</connupload> <connuploadspeed>Kb</connuploadspeed> <conndownload>100000</conndownload> <conndownloadspeed>Kb</conndownloadspeed> <conn0downloadscheduler>PRIQ</conn0downloadscheduler> <conn0interface>lan</conn0interface></step2>
Like I say, I'm not sure quite how those parts of the config file are generated. The traffic shaper is IMHO the most confusing part of pfSense. ;) I'll have to do some experimentation on my test box here.
You saved that config file and then forced a reload (or rebooted)? If the speed has increased then that certainly looks like the problem. The question now is why is catching your traffic when it looks like it should only be catching P2P traffic and what changed 3 weeks ago that caused it.Steve
Lan speed is a bit faster but wan speed is almost the same, when monitoring with traffic speed i get around 800kb.
I think the problem occured after upgrading the software.
Here some pictures from
The fastes is with captive portal turned off
The slowest is with captive portal turned on
Ah, OK. So with captive portal turned off you are getting full speed?
I had a play around with the traffic shaper this afternoon and I'm not really sure why you traffic seems to be being caught in it. I expected to find you had the 'catchall' selected but you don't appear to have.
Looking at your config file and comparing it with mine, generated by the wizard, there are many differences that I'm failing to explain. I think the easiest thing at this point would be to remove the traffic shaper completely, remove the <ezshaper>section from the config file manually and reapply the wizard. After backing up the config of course. ;)Unless anyone else has any ideas?
i removed the ezshaper section, but this didn't solved the problem.
Is there a way to reinstall a early version of pfsense which worked ok for me.Then i will reinstall that verion and hopfully that one will work again ok.
Or some body else should have the solution, or a fix for the problem.