Local logging not working
Hi pfsense community,
i have an issue with my pfsense firewall and i don't know if this is a general bug, or if this is a problem concerning just my installation. After setting up a local syslog-ng server i configured pfsense for remote logging. This works perfect and the syslog-ng server is getting firewall log events. But after reboot the local firewall log (/var/log/filter.log) is not beeing updated with new events. Thus in the web interface i see no firewall events. The syslog-ng log however continues to work as it should.
After some trial and error i performed the following fix. I added
to /etc/inc/filter.inc just before```
$tcpdump_cmd = "tcpdump -s 256 -v -S -l -n -e -ttt -i pflog0";Is this a common bug? Thanks Josh
Never personally had a problem with logging coming back after a reboot. I'm using rsyslog though, maybe it's not pfsense's fault, but syslog-ng's?