Firewalling and VPN 101
pfSense 2.1.5 amd64
OpenVPN site-to-site between four locations - A: server, B, C, D: clientI can ping from all of the devices on the client networks to the pfsense server LAN interface but nothing past that - I can't ping/communicate with anything on the LAN subnet. I've done this a few times and it always works so I know I'm missing something real simple here but I can't see it.
The VPNs connect just fine but I can't get on the LAN of each client from the server and vice versa.
Firewall/WAN Rules:
[empty], IPv4UDP, <public 1="" ip="" of="" remote="" office="">, *, WAN Address, 1194, *, None, [empty]
[empty], IPv4UDP, <public 2="" ip="" of="" remote="" office="">, *, WAN Address, 1195, *, None, [empty]
[empty], IPv4UDP, <public 3="" ip="" of="" remote="" office="">, *, WAN Address, 1196, *, None, [empty]Firewall/LAN Rules:
[empty], IPv4 *, *, *, *, *, [empty]Firewall/OpenVPN Rules:
[empty], IPv4 *, *, *, *, *, [empty]Client B, C, D
Firewall/WAN Rules:
(rule for remote administration)Firewall/LAN Rules:
[empty], IPv4 *, *, *, *, *, [empty]Firewall/OpenVPN Rules:
[empty], IPv4 *, *, *, *, *, [empty]So as you can see the rules are pretty loose at this point.
Server A:
Tunnel network: C:
Tunnel network: D:
Tunnel network: ideas?
thank you.</public></public></public>
Are you positive you're not seeing a software firewall (think windows firewall) on the client that thinks the remote networks are just that and not allowing traffic in, resulting in no response?
I'll remote in and make sure all the Windows firewalls are stopped. thanks for the idea.
that darn Windows firewall. Gets me every time!
Thanks, that was the problem. After I ran "netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off" command on a few machines on different subnets, they were able to talk to each other.
thank you for your suggestion; it was spot on.