VPN to Browse only..without Local Access
Hello pfSense Folks.
This is my first time here… and so far I love the software.
I already have a setup pfSense... 2.2.1 running. All is well without problems... I also setup openVPN without problems.
But what I am trying to achieve seems tricky (not sure)
I want to be able to access from my Windows machine (already have OpenVPN client installed and running) at the moment I can see all network shares and local access.)
BUT I want to have the option to create a profile (or setup) that prevents me from accessing the Local Network. Only for Browsing through the VPN.
Is there such way or option to achieve that ?
Thanks in advance.
Setting aside the issue of why you would want to do this, I would think you could add second OpenVPN instance on a different tunnel network. Then you could block the second tunnel net from lan, but allow it to the Internet.
I know this is certainly a unique request.
The company I work for controls what we can access online. and I want to be able to browse through my home networks Internet. But if I allow someone else to use it I want to make sure they can not get to my local network.