Guide to filtering web content (http and https) with pfsense 2.3
lets try without the wpad and use just the transparent, set proxy direct does it work then?
If you still cannot access https sites then post you squid config. -
lets try without the wpad and use just the transparent, set proxy direct does it work then?
If you still cannot access https sites then post you squid config.If I use only the http proxy without the ssl mitm and set browser to auto, then the http proxy filter works.
If you are saying to setup http transparent proxy and ssl mitm filtering and install cert to client device and set browser proxy, then I have not done this yet.
and install cert to client device and set browser proxy, then I have not done this yet.
Just use splice all for mitm (and use the cert created in pfsense under SSL Man In the Middle Filtering\CA).
Set browser to direct.
This will use transparent proxy for both http and https.If this works then there is an issue with your WPAD.
If this does not work then something is broken. -
and install cert to client device and set browser proxy, then I have not done this yet.
Just use splice all for mitm (and use the cert created in pfsense under SSL Man In the Middle Filtering\CA).
Set browser to direct.
This will use transparent proxy for both http and https.If this works then there is an issue with your WPAD.
If this does not work then something is broken.What do you mean for "Set browser to direct", is this the automatic detect settings ?
On the other hand, my wpad only have the following inside:
function FindProxyForURL(url,host)
return "PROXY";
}I am not sure what you example below means so I use the example from pfsense wiki.
function FindProxyForURL(url, host)
if (isPlainHostName(host) ||
shExpMatch(host, "*.local") ||
isInNet(dnsResolve(host), "", ""))
return "DIRECT";return "PROXY";
} -
yeah turn off automatic detect setting so the traffic goes direct and gets intercepted by the transparent proxy.
yeah turn off automatic detect setting so the traffic goes direct and gets intercepted by the transparent proxy.
By turn off, you mean uncheck the automatic detect settings and others options as well ?
May I ask though, what is the exact version of pfsense that you are using just for comparison. If this will not work, then I will need to reinstall my pfsense box, maybe its broken.
I am using:
2.3.4-RELEASE (amd64)
built on Wed May 03 15:13:29 CDT 2017
FreeBSD 10.3-RELEASE-p19On the other hand, below is the screen shot of my testing NOT USING WPAD but setup the browser proxy.
Also, I tried direct approach that you said, and the result the same error as before.
What exact pfsense version are you using ?
2.3.4-RELEASE (amd64)
Something is broken. -
2.3.4-RELEASE (amd64)
Something is broken.what is in your wpad file?
did you install your pfsense or upgraded to 2.3.4 release?
wpad is in the guide.
I have been upgrading since i joined.
I am new to pfsense, can someone have a look at the attached image and tell me if it looks correct please.

I have followed this guide.
When I run proxy test it shows that I am under proxy. Google works fine, and so do most websites. But such websites as Amazon won't load, gives error.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Post your squid config. Are you using just WPAD or Transparent proxy with mitm (cert of all devices) or Transparent proxy mitm set to splice all?
The best setup i found to use is WPAD and transparent proxy with mitm splice all, set devices to auto config.
Post your squid config. Are you using just WPAD or Transparent proxy with mitm (cert of all devices) or Transparent proxy mitm set to splice all?
The best setup i found to use is WPAD and transparent proxy with mitm splice all, set devices to auto config.
Hi thanks for your reply.
I followed the guide, page 1. I copied and pasted logs from PackageSquidGuardLogs
10.07.2017 17:06:47 [squid_reconfigure] Remove old redirector options from Squid config.
10.07.2017 17:05:35 [squid_reconfigure] Add new redirector options to Squid config.
10.07.2017 17:05:35 [squid_reconfigure] Remove old redirector options from Squid config.
10.07.2017 17:05:35 [sg_reconfigure] Save squidGuard config to '/usr/local/etc/squidGuard/squidGuard.conf'.
10.07.2017 17:05:35 [sg_redirector_base_url] Select redirector base url (
10.07.2017 17:05:35 [sg_create_config] Add Default
10.07.2017 17:05:35 [sg_create_config] Add rewrites: safesearch;
10.07.2017 17:05:35 [sg_create_config] Add destinations: whitelist; blacklist;
10.07.2017 17:05:35 [sg_create_config] Added: blk_BL_adv; blk_BL_aggressive; blk_BL_alcohol; blk_BL_anonvpn; blk_BL_automobile_bikes; blk_BL_automobile_boats; blk_BL_automobile_cars; blk_BL_automobile_planes; blk_BL_chat; blk_BL_costtraps; blk_BL_dating; blk_BL_downloads; blk_BL_drugs; blk_BL_dynamic; blk_BL_education_schools; blk_BL_finance_banking; blk_BL_finance_insurance; blk_BL_finance_moneylending; blk_BL_finance_other; blk_BL_finance_realestate; blk_BL_finance_trading; blk_BL_fortunetelling; blk_BL_forum; blk_BL_gamble; blk_BL_government; blk_BL_hacking; blk_BL_hobby_cooking; blk_BL_hobby_games-misc; blk_BL_hobby_games-online; blk_BL_hobby_gardening; blk_BL_hobby_pets; blk_BL_homestyle; blk_BL_hospitals; blk_BL_imagehosting; blk_BL_isp; blk_BL_jobsearch; blk_BL_library; blk_BL_military; blk_BL_models; blk_BL_movies; blk_BL_music; blk_BL_news; blk_BL_podcasts; blk_BL_politics; blk_BL_porn; blk_BL_radiotv; blk_BL_recreation_humor; blk_BL_recreation_martialarts; blk_BL_recreation_restaurants; blk_BL_recreation_sports; blk_BL_recreation_travel; blk_BL_recreation_wellness; blk_BL_redirector; blk_BL_religion; blk_BL_remotecontrol; blk_BL_ringtones; blk_BL_science_astronomy; blk_BL_science_chemistry; blk_BL_searchengines; blk_BL_sex_education; blk_BL_sex_lingerie; blk_BL_shopping; blk_BL_socialnet; blk_BL_spyware; blk_BL_tracker; blk_BL_updatesites; blk_BL_urlshortener; blk_BL_violence; blk_BL_warez; blk_BL_weapons; blk_BL_webmail; blk_BL_webphone; blk_BL_webradio; blk_BL_webtv; .
10.07.2017 17:05:35 [sg_create_config] Add blacklist entries
10.07.2017 17:05:35 [squidguard_rebuild_db] Start rebuild DB.
10.07.2017 17:05:24 [squidguard_rebuild_db] Create rebuild config '/usr/local/etc/squidGuard/squidGuard__usrdbrebuild.conf'.
10.07.2017 17:05:24 [sg_redirector_base_url] Select redirector base url (;u=%u)
10.07.2017 17:05:24 [sg_create_simple_config] Warning Ignored empty item 'blacklist' = '/var/db/squidGuard/blacklist'.
10.07.2017 17:05:24 [sg_create_simple_config] Warning Ignored empty item 'whitelist' = '/var/db/squidGuard/whitelist'.
10.07.2017 17:05:24 [sg_create_simple_config] Begin with dbhome='/var/db/squidGuard'.
10.07.2017 17:05:24 [squidguard_rebuild_db] Begin with path '/var/db/squidGuard'.
10.07.2017 17:05:24 [sg_reconfigure_user_db] Add user entries
10.07.2017 17:05:24 [sg_reconfigure_user_db] Begin with '/var/db/squidGuard'
10.07.2017 16:36:15 [squid_reconfigure] Add new redirector options to Squid config.
10.07.2017 16:36:15 [squid_reconfigure] Remove old redirector options from Squid config.
10.07.2017 16:36:15 [sg_reconfigure] Save squidGuard config to '/usr/local/etc/squidGuard/squidGuard.conf'.
10.07.2017 16:36:15 [sg_redirector_base_url] Select redirector base url (
10.07.2017 16:36:15 [sg_create_config] Add Default
10.07.2017 16:36:15 [sg_create_config] Add rewrites: safesearch;
10.07.2017 16:36:15 [sg_create_config] Add destinations: whitelist; blacklist;
10.07.2017 16:36:15 [sg_create_config] Added: blk_BL_adv; blk_BL_aggressive; blk_BL_alcohol; blk_BL_anonvpn; blk_BL_automobile_bikes; blk_BL_automobile_boats; blk_BL_automobile_cars; blk_BL_automobile_planes; blk_BL_chat; blk_BL_costtraps; blk_BL_dating; blk_BL_downloads; blk_BL_drugs; blk_BL_dynamic; blk_BL_education_schools; blk_BL_finance_banking; blk_BL_finance_insurance; blk_BL_finance_moneylending; blk_BL_finance_other; blk_BL_finance_realestate; blk_BL_finance_trading; blk_BL_fortunetelling; blk_BL_forum; blk_BL_gamble; blk_BL_government; blk_BL_hacking; blk_BL_hobby_cooking; blk_BL_hobby_games-misc; blk_BL_hobby_games-online; blk_BL_hobby_gardening; blk_BL_hobby_pets; blk_BL_homestyle; blk_BL_hospitals; blk_BL_imagehosting; blk_BL_isp; blk_BL_jobsearch; blk_BL_library; blk_BL_military; blk_BL_models; blk_BL_movies; blk_BL_music; blk_BL_news; blk_BL_podcasts; blk_BL_politics; blk_BL_porn; blk_BL_radiotv; blk_BL_recreation_humor; blk_BL_recreation_martialarts; blk_BL_recreation_restaurants; blk_BL_recreation_sports; blk_BL_recreation_travel; blk_BL_recreation_wellness; blk_BL_redirector; blk_BL_religion; blk_BL_remotecontrol; blk_BL_ringtones; blk_BL_science_astronomy; blk_BL_science_chemistry; blk_BL_searchengines; blk_BL_sex_education; blk_BL_sex_lingerie; blk_BL_shopping; blk_BL_socialnet; blk_BL_spyware; blk_BL_tracker; blk_BL_updatesites; blk_BL_urlshortener; blk_BL_violence; blk_BL_warez; blk_BL_weapons; blk_BL_webmail; blk_BL_webphone; blk_BL_webradio; blk_BL_webtv; .
10.07.2017 16:36:15 [sg_create_config] Add blacklist entries
10.07.2017 16:36:15 [squidguard_rebuild_db] Start rebuild DB.
10.07.2017 16:36:05 [squidguard_rebuild_db] Create rebuild config '/usr/local/etc/squidGuard/squidGuard__usrdbrebuild.conf'.
10.07.2017 16:36:05 [sg_redirector_base_url] Select redirector base url (;u=%u)
10.07.2017 16:36:05 [sg_create_simple_config] Warning Ignored empty item 'blacklist' = '/var/db/squidGuard/blacklist'.
10.07.2017 16:36:05 [sg_create_simple_config] Warning Ignored empty item 'whitelist' = '/var/db/squidGuard/whitelist'.
10.07.2017 16:36:05 [sg_create_simple_config] Begin with dbhome='/var/db/squidGuard'.
10.07.2017 16:36:05 [squidguard_rebuild_db] Begin with path '/var/db/squidGuard'.
10.07.2017 16:36:05 [sg_reconfigure_user_db] Add user entries
10.07.2017 16:36:05 [sg_reconfigure_user_db] Begin with '/var/db/squidGuard'
09.07.2017 18:01:06 [squid_reconfigure] Add new redirector options to Squid config.
09.07.2017 18:01:06 [squid_reconfigure] Remove old redirector options from Squid config.
09.07.2017 18:01:06 [sg_reconfigure] Save squidGuard config to '/usr/local/etc/squidGuard/squidGuard.conf'.
09.07.2017 18:01:06 [sg_redirector_base_url] Select redirector base url (
09.07.2017 18:01:06 [sg_create_config] Add Default
09.07.2017 18:01:06 [sg_create_config] Add rewrites: safesearch;
09.07.2017 18:01:06 [sg_create_config] Add destinations: whitelist; blacklist;
09.07.2017 18:01:06 [sg_create_config] Added: blk_BL_adv; blk_BL_aggressive; blk_BL_alcohol; blk_BL_anonvpn; blk_BL_automobile_bikes; blk_BL_automobile_boats; blk_BL_automobile_cars; blk_BL_automobile_planes; blk_BL_chat; blk_BL_costtraps; blk_BL_dating; blk_BL_downloads; blk_BL_drugs; blk_BL_dynamic; blk_BL_education_schools; blk_BL_finance_banking; blk_BL_finance_insurance; blk_BL_finance_moneylending; blk_BL_finance_other; blk_BL_finance_realestate; blk_BL_finance_trading; blk_BL_fortunetelling; blk_BL_forum; blk_BL_gamble; blk_BL_government; blk_BL_hacking; blk_BL_hobby_cooking; blk_BL_hobby_games-misc; blk_BL_hobby_games-online; blk_BL_hobby_gardening; blk_BL_hobby_pets; blk_BL_homestyle; blk_BL_hospitals; blk_BL_imagehosting; blk_BL_isp; blk_BL_jobsearch; blk_BL_library; blk_BL_military; blk_BL_models; blk_BL_movies; blk_BL_music; blk_BL_news; blk_BL_podcasts; blk_BL_politics; blk_BL_porn; blk_BL_radiotv; blk_BL_recreation_humor; blk_BL_recreation_martialarts; blk_BL_recreation_restaurants; blk_BL_recreation_sports; blk_BL_recreation_travel; blk_BL_recreation_wellness; blk_BL_redirector; blk_BL_religion; blk_BL_remotecontrol; blk_BL_ringtones; blk_BL_science_astronomy; blk_BL_science_chemistry; blk_BL_searchengines; blk_BL_sex_education; blk_BL_sex_lingerie; blk_BL_shopping; blk_BL_socialnet; blk_BL_spyware; blk_BL_tracker; blk_BL_updatesites; blk_BL_urlshortener; blk_BL_violence; blk_BL_warez; blk_BL_weapons; blk_BL_webmail; blk_BL_webphone; blk_BL_webradio; blk_BL_webtv; .
09.07.2017 18:01:06 [sg_create_config] Add blacklist entries
09.07.2017 18:01:06 [squidguard_rebuild_db] Start rebuild DB.
09.07.2017 18:00:56 [squidguard_rebuild_db] Create rebuild config '/usr/local/etc/squidGuard/squidGuard__usrdbrebuild.conf'.
09.07.2017 18:00:56 [sg_redirector_base_url] Select redirector base url (;u=%u)
09.07.2017 18:00:56 [sg_create_simple_config] Warning Ignored empty item 'blacklist' = '/var/db/squidGuard/blacklist'.Proxy Config # This file is automatically generated by pfSense
Do not edit manually !
icp_port 0
digest_generation off
dns_v4_first off
pid_filename /var/run/squid/
cache_effective_user squid
cache_effective_group proxy
error_default_language en
icon_directory /usr/local/etc/squid/icons
visible_hostname localhost
access_log /var/squid/logs/access.log
cache_log /var/squid/logs/cache.log
cache_store_log none
netdb_filename /var/squid/logs/netdb.state
pinger_enable off
pinger_program /usr/local/libexec/squid/pingerlogfile_rotate 2
debug_options rotate=2
shutdown_lifetime 3 secondsAllow local network(s) on interface(s)
acl localnet src
forwarded_for on
httpd_suppress_version_string on
uri_whitespace stripcache_mem 1000 MB
maximum_object_size_in_memory 256 KB
memory_replacement_policy heap GDSF
cache_replacement_policy heap LFUDA
minimum_object_size 0 KB
maximum_object_size 1000 MB
cache_dir ufs /var/squid/cache 3000 16 256
offline_mode off
cache_swap_low 90
cache_swap_high 95
cache allow allAdd any of your own refresh_pattern entries above these.
refresh_pattern ^ftp: 1440 20% 10080
refresh_pattern ^gopher: 1440 0% 1440
refresh_pattern -i (/cgi-bin/|?) 0 0% 0
refresh_pattern . 0 20% 4320#Remote proxies
Setup some default acls
ACLs all, manager, localhost, and to_localhost are predefined.
acl allsrc src all
acl safeports port 21 70 80 210 280 443 488 563 591 631 777 901 3128 3129 1025-65535
acl sslports port 443 563acl purge method PURGE
acl connect method CONNECTDefine protocols used for redirects
acl HTTP proto HTTP
acl HTTPS proto HTTPS
http_access allow manager localhosthttp_access deny manager
http_access allow purge localhost
http_access deny purge
http_access deny !safeports
http_access deny CONNECT !sslportsAlways allow localhost connections
http_access allow localhost
request_body_max_size 0 KB
delay_pools 1
delay_class 1 2
delay_parameters 1 -1/-1 -1/-1
delay_initial_bucket_level 100
delay_access 1 allow allsrcReverse Proxy settings
Custom options before auth
Setup allowed ACLs
Allow local network(s) on interface(s)
http_access allow localnet
Default block all to be sure
http_access deny allsrc
if you set squidguard to allow all do still get the issue?
if you set squidguard to allow all do still get the issue?
Hi, thank you for the reply.
I have it sorted now, i didn't go to internet properties/connections/LAN settings - tick automatically detect settings
At the moment I have Wpad.dat working, I also have MSSL MITM working on splice all, I have android working now (manually entered wpad.dat address).
Is this method the best functioning method, or am i better to setup a websever to to host the wpdad files? What are the main benifits of setting up a VM hosting these files?
Is this method the best functioning method, or am i better to setup a websever to to host the wpdad files? What are the main benifits of setting up a VM hosting these files?
Not sure, maybe if you had a very large number of users you could use another webserver for the wpad.
I have it sorted now, i didn't go to internet properties/connections/LAN settings - tick automatically detect settings
Even if you left that unticked the transparent proxy should have still connected you, verify that the transparent proxy is working (e.g block port 80 and 443 and use a program that gets updates form the net to check).
I am new to pfsense, can someone have a look at the attached image and tell me if it looks correct please.
Was looking at this guide, and comparing to your screenshot. What are the implications of unchecking the "invert match" box and not disabling NAT reflection?
Thanks aGeekHere! This guide encouraged me to revisit HTTPS filtering for several of my sites.
The WPAD options seems great for PCs but didn't work well on Android devices. Things get really difficult when you have 2 or more network interfaces you want to proxy/filter using WPAD.
In the end, I just set up transparent proxy for both http and https. Creating a CA on the firewall and then assigning that in Squid for the CA along with "Splice All" for SSL/MITM Mode works great!
I think it's been mentioned before but your guide would really benefit from having 2 completely separate sets of instructions for transparent only and WPAD only.