New Splash page
Funny, your login page has no footer, nor login link top-right.?.
Added second screenshot, in Firefox the text fields show white on blue? In contrary to Chrome's black on yellow..

Funny, your login page has no footer, nor login link top-right.?.
I plead guilty to chopping off the footer, innocent on the login link, it is removed as it has the name and domain.
Funny, your login page has no footer, nor login link top-right.?.
Added second screenshot, in Firefox the text fields show white on blue? In contrary to Chrome's black on yellow..Hmm, I think I prefer the Firefox version. :-\
Edge and IE are the same as Firefox.
Actually it seems like Chrome makes the background yellow for pre-filled remembered user/password field. Which shows like this..
How clever is Chrome then!
Must run up my test unit where the password is not remembered and see what it looks like on that.
Not a fan of it… The logo reminds me of the pfizer logo, probably because of the blues and pf being slanted... Dunno...
I would much prefer the logo to be the same as the one at the main pfSense page, and have the white banner replaced with the same textured image seen on the main page, but instead of it replacing just the banner area, let it cover the entire page... Coloration could be as simple as loading a single image that we choose from in the WebGui at that point and wouldn't be hard to get different colored variants of the texture...
Just throwing ideas out there…
But, I do like the idea of being able to place a company logo on the logon screen, that would be more beneficial than a few colors for those that do have multiple instances of pfSense that they need to manage.
^^^ this.
Logo is taken from the one in netgate I prefer the original.
I didn't like it because it doesn't link aesthetically to the rest of the pages once logged on, or the wikis, this forum or anything else pfsense. Once you design a brand 'look' it should stay consistent. I have web logins for my wifi APs and this new idea just hits me too much in the face without adding anything. Just my 10 cents.
I didn't like it because it doesn't link aesthetically to the rest of the pages once logged on, or the wikis, this forum or anything else pfsense. Once you design a brand 'look' it should stay consistent. I have web logins for my wifi APs and this new idea just hits me too much in the face without adding anything. Just my 10 cents.
Agreed. I like it better with the old splash screen.
I didn't like it because it doesn't link aesthetically to the rest of the pages once logged on, or the wikis, this forum or anything else pfsense. Once you design a brand 'look' it should stay consistent. I have web logins for my wifi APs and this new idea just hits me too much in the face without adding anything. Just my 10 cents.
Agreed. I like it better with the old splash screen.
me too.
Set the color to the "Dark gray" selection and it will not be too different to the old one
Set the color to the "Dark gray" selection and it will not be too different to the old one
Honestly I don't like the dark color and also pfsense dark theme color. I feel too heavy and serious and for the eyes also.
I like more clear and easy friendly to use. since pfsense WebGUI has changed I never change it to the dark theme color.
I feel Opnsense WebGUI more clear and friendly to use. This is just only my feeling and suggestion. -
I liked the old page better too.
This reminds me of some "Commercial"
Well, if was a simple majority then 'Stop taking the drugs', i.e. it's awful wins.
Taking out those who don't care - 'What's all the fuss about' then the we are left with a FOR vote of 10 and an AGAINST vote of 22.
Thanks for voting!
Set the color to the "Dark gray" selection and it will not be too different to the old one
Again I mean no offense but "not so differen from the old one"? But what? :o
I did the dark gray one and made a comparison. Attached to this post. Whereas the old one is simply and "nice" to the eye, even with the dark background, it is clearly a login page. Box, Title, User/Pass, Button. Done.
The new one is… just strange. As it has no boundaries/box around it, it just seems like strange text that is somehow centered. Neither the font styke nor the font size is any match to the design used in the UI. Instead of Roboto, now OpenSans is used, the characters seem out of place and spaced too much apart as to somehow fill the gap where normally you'd expect the login box to be. Username/Password are in Helvetica, italic (why?) and look just odd and out of place. If we had any style at all to follow, it could perhaps look good, but with different fonts all around the site (pfsense new logo is another font style again), if just seems odd or even ugly. That's in no place meant as a personal insult but it looks really bad.
Yeah I did some design work and were working for a web agency for years, so my eye may be a critic one, but I've had nothing but "WTF" responses in our team as we updated our test systems to the latest snapshot and were greeted with that.
I'd recommend to stick with one font or max two (one for headlines, one for all other texts) so it doesn't have that out of place look and to stay with GUI elements, users are normally confronted by (principle of least surprise). A login box is just a thing a normal user would expect. Not free-flowing lines with strange looking font-facing and a button. That looks more like somehow someone hacked your device and exchanged the login to scam you to another site ;)
Also what Corrosive on page 1 wrote: I'd really like to see THAT! Make the white header of the current login page customizable with color and use the white new pfsense logo with it. Then someone could add another logo (for the company or to diversify the different boxes he manages) on the right side (with pfsense logo aligned left). Or use the logo centered like it is now. Then you can make the dark background behind the login box either light grey or white, too (and just add a shadow or dark outline to the login box) but stay with the bootstrap looks. :)Greets
I missed the vote, but I would have voted against. Not that there's anything "wrong" with it, but it doesn't fit with the rest of the look and feel. To make it consistent with the rest of pfsense, the change needs to be implemented throughout the gui. Again, nothing wrong with that, but IMO it's effort that would be better spent on something that's not cosmetic. It's not like the existing look and feel is so dated that the effort is justified.
I would much prefer the logo to be the same as the one at the main pfSense page, and have the white banner replaced with the same textured image seen on the main page, but instead of it replacing just the banner area, let it cover the entire page… Coloration could be as simple as loading a single image that we choose from in the WebGui at that point and wouldn't be hard to get different colored variants of the texture...
Just throwing ideas out there…
But, I do like the idea of being able to place a company logo on the logon screen, that would be more beneficial than a few colors for those that do have multiple instances of pfSense that they need to manage.
I agree. The logo and background used for the main site looks very nice. Maybe add some shadowing underneath the username and password field and change the sign in button color to red.