Upgrade to 2.4.1 cant connect to pppoe wan over vlan
… I had to do this remotely (200+ Km away) ... at a Radiology practice, so the situation was business critical ... It was an inconvenience yes, but not a show stopper.
A point release that kills functionality IS a show stopper. Period.
Work in the live entertainment industry like I do and you'll get this pretty soon. Or get fired before you even know why. -
I upgraded to 2.4.1 and lost my PPPOE WAN connection too. Whoever implemented this system breaking change smoked far too much crack.
this is a known issue, will be fixed in 2.4.2.
I dont know if its fixed in the current 2.4.2 dev branch.
Thank you for the information
The biggest pain in the ass comes when you update remotely the box, through a VPN connecting via the PPPoE connection. You won't be able to fix anything until you go there physically. Which can cause severe downtime…
The biggest pain in the ass comes when you update remotely the box, through a VPN connecting via the PPPoE connection. You won't be able to fix anything until you go there physically. Which can cause severe downtime…
directly upgrade to 2.4.2 dev from 2.4 and it will be fine, just skip the 2.4.1 update
directly upgrade to 2.4.2 dev …
Stuntman is your main profession or just a hobby? 8)
Honestly, you don't update a remote machine some serious distance away to a dev snapshot. May I remind you that dev stands for development and may contain glitches and quirks.
And which snapshot timestamp are you talking about? There's probably a newer one already built while we post. Is that fine as well, did you test that on my infrastructure?You can do so at home if you like but surely not in a remote session to a critical system not within walking reach.
If you are sane, that is. ;) -
I think he meant for this specific case only.
This is the only reasonable thing to do. Better 2.4.2 which is more stable than 2.4.1 at least IMO. -
well i too run many boxes which r located in different countries and after testing 2.4.2 dev locally upgraded all of them to it and all work fine, there isnt much changed between 2.4.1 and 2.4.2 dev so its fine, if the dev marking scares u then wait for the stable but for now the only way to solve this pppoe over vlan issue is to use the dev version
Here one other Pfsense KO, i upgrade a 2.4.1 and my PPOE over vlan go out, where can i download the 2.4.2 version to put in my ko pfsense ???
I think i'm very unlucky. I have the same problem that PPP doesn't work on vlan so i first tried:
@PiBa:While its running run on console "ifconfig igb1.11 name igb1_11" then from webgui edit the pppoe interface to select the right interface to run on. That should afaik allow for internet access. Until reboot that is..
But this doesn't work for me, PPP still was down. So I tried the procedure below:
Choose Config.xml file.
e) Place cursor in text window. Go to the Web browser's menu to choose the "find" content facility. Search for each occurrence of "interfacename.vlannumber" in config.xml and change the . to _ then save the edited config.xml file. For example igb0.900 to igb0_900
f) Reboot PfSense.
g) System came back up without issue and connected the PPPoE connection immediately. Job done. 15 minutes work max.And my firewall was stucked in a bootloop: it starts, answer me 5 or 6 pings then restart…. I was able to connect to SSH and restore a previous configuration in this time frame (i think max 5-6 sec). Firewall reboots correctyl and now I have the same problem: my PPP VLAN doesnt works. Finally i've tried this:
directly upgrade to 2.4.2 dev from 2.4 and it will be fine, just skip the 2.4.1 update
And my firewall was stucked at boot, saying it cant find /boot/kernel/kernel.
:'( :-XEDIT: Added IMG error of 2.4.2 from SSD and error from USB (tried 2.4.0. and 2.4.2) USB was the memstick img.gz file and was written by rufus
EDIT2: FreeBSD 11.1 AMD64 Memstick boots fine EDIT3. Nope, it stucks just later.
I've changed USB and now 2.4.2 starts!
I have a 2.4.1 that not works after upgrade, i have ppoe over vlan, and now what is the best option to repair it?
Upgrade to 2.4.2dev? How ? Before i can upgrade offline but now i not have the option, boot from USB 2.4.2dev and upgrade? Repair my 2.4.1?? How? I don't understand very well what i need to have internet -
Goto the pfsense web gui firmware settings page and select Dev branch rather than stable then check for updates from same place and it will show 2.4.2 Dev directly which you can upgrade to but if your already on 2.4.1 then editing the config file to rename the dot to _ is the only option to get internet working
Goto the pfsense web gui firmware settings page and select Dev branch rather than stable then check for updates from same place and it will show 2.4.2 Dev directly which you can upgrade to but if your already on 2.4.1 then editing the config file to rename the dot to _ is the only option to get internet working
Thank you but i make this and not worked for me, i have an APU2C2 and change my re2.6 to re2_6 and not working, pfsense says me to reorder and config the lans when i restart, i have an Movistar Imagenio config, with 3 VLANs, VoIP, Internet and TV :-(
I try to download 2.4.0 and restore my config 2.3.4 i hope this working for me ….
Now i have installed 2.3.4 version and all is working again, i suggest to pfsense team change 2.4.1 version to "development" or testing, because a lot of people here in Spain for example have this config and if update to 2.4.1 –-- boommm !!!!
… a lot of people here in Spain for example have this config ...
You know, the majority of internet users in Germany (still) use Deutsche Telekom AG (or one of their resellers) as their provider. Everyone here using pfSense with DTAG has this problem … we need PPPoE on VLAN7. At least if you don't let your modem handle the VLAN untagging. And you cannot change THAT remotely...
Great, isn't it?...but we would need the finally working IGMP Proxy backported into the 2.3 Branch as well for T-Entertain (IP-TV) but nobody's listening. :'(
Well, that's only the majority in a small enclave called T-Entertain in Germany. :o -
Yes i need too igmp proxy to view IPTV
Maybe i can test opnsense, i think is the real OpenSource fork -
Note really.
But sure, go ahead and test it. Welcome back next week here… -
Hi guys,
I upgraded by mistake to 2.4.1 and have the same problem.
Can I install 2.4.2-dev from a USB stick and it'll keep my config? I can't find a way to do an offline upgrade without an internet connection.
Any chance to release 2.4.2 any time soon? This bug prevents me to upgrade to 2.4 series in many places.