Is 24.08 on track?
@JonathanLee optane? Any high endurance SSD like a HGST 10DWPD would suffice no?
Any older, good-quality MLC SSD with a capacity of around 1 TB should last longer than you might expect. Which interface are you considering? SATA? M2? -
@w0w M2
Samsung 960-980 Pro capacity 512GB+ or you can try EVO 960 series. More capacity, more writes allowed till die. What m2 size exactly allowed? -
This is one of those cases where the question is simple and so should the answer... but things are more nuanced in this release in particular. It essentially comes down to wanting to do cool things that many, needless to say us, have wanted for a long time and the fact that a lot of hard work is needed to do them properly. MIM is indeed part of that, but it's more so about the long term in general.
I won't go into detail because it'd take up even more time, so let me just give one example of what I mean: I'm very excited about the work happening around Kea and Unbound that will let us resolve this 9yr old bug report: for myself, I think the delay in 24.08 is worth it.
@marcosm Are the current builds really that bad not to continue the development snapshots and have the community help with testing, even at this point? Will it be renamed to 24.10 given that the second number is supposed to be the month?
G Gertjan referenced this topic on
@bradsm87 said in Is 24.08 on track?:
@marcosm Are the current builds really that bad not to continue the development snapshots and have the community help with testing, even at this point? Will it be renamed to 24.10 given that the second number is supposed to be the month?
The word was "nuanced," not "bad." Sounds like development is at a point where community testing would bring more distraction than value. No doubt they'll release a snapshot when the balance tips back.
@marcg As a former code jockey, your assessment is probably on the money. Steve Wheeler, Jim Pingle and other core individuals don't need additional distractions.
@tedquade said in Is 24.08 on track?:
@marcg As a former code jockey, your assessment is probably on the money. Steve Wheeler, Jim Pingle and other core individuals don't need additional distractions.
We are really burning the midnight oil on this one for sure.
Stay tuned :)
Cant we get a single shapshot that fixes some of the bugs we are having with unbound and ramdisks causing the system to crash when booting after being enabled.
Its been more than 2 months since the last snapshot.
@DarkFnh I am surmising the current development state has many things broken and you really don't want a snapshot. Releasing a broken snapshot would only cause needless furor. Roll-back if you can't tolerate the bugs.
@KevinRice We all need to know if we are the solution or the problem. It's sometimes hard to differentiate.