Latest 1.2.3-20091106-2354 Randomly reboots
Is it possible that the re-introduction of the padlock driver is causing this?,19818.0.html
Whatever it is, I rather suspect that it is related to the Via platform - I follow the snapshots closely with other systems, and only the Via C3 box is rebooting.ย Snapshots from 2 months ago were stable.
If you're curious, I have an image up that only differs from RC3 in that it has padlock enabled.
I don't have an equivalent without padlock though.
Its beautiful now - no reboots in the last 12 hours (it was happening every 2 hours approx). It makes me wonder what has changedย - was it at all related to padlock, or just a coincidence?
No reboots with the same image you had? Or with the image I posted?
No reboots with your RC3 + padlock you posted - thanks
Ok, so it's probably not padlock then. Perhaps some other change since I built that one, or a bad builder run of some kind.
As a side note - Are there any plans to have padlock enabled (package added) to 1.2.3-Release?
Padlock should already be back in current snapshots of 1.2.3. It was added back a week or so ago.
I will do some tests with my system but I ran kldstat and I don't see the padlock driver being list although I am a novice so not sure if this is right.
I am running 1.2.3 RC3 so I will see if the reboot kicks back in.
1.2.3-RC3 build 7/11/09 still reboots.
I ran kldstat and I don't see the padlock driver being listย . . ..
I expect that, in common with other drivers, the padlock driver is built into the kernel.
I have put the firmware listed above and it works fine but the latest snapshot doesn't.
Yes but not to sure on the build differences to cause a reboot.
Does any of the Devs know what is causing this.
I'm not sure anyone has even reproduced it, let alone knows what is causing it on your hardware.
I was wondering if there has been a driver change.
The only changes to drivers have been for Atheros wireless cards (ath0), and even then the change is simply reverting something that changed between RC2 and RC3.
Do you know what the difference is between the firmware listed above and the latest snapshot.
The RC1 works fine the firmware listed above work but the latest snapshot doesn't.
There are a lot of changes. Too many to list. Changes to pfSense code, patches, tools repo changes, etc. Hundreds of changes at least, maybe more.
Unless you can pinpoint with a little more accuracy what might actually be causing the reboots, it will be impossible to track. There should be a debugging kernel on the CD, available as an option when you install. (There are ways to switch kernels live, if you know how, the kernels are in /kernels/) If you switch to a debug kernel it should stop with an error instead of rebooting.
Ok I will have to have a look at this then.
Is anyone else seeing this problem?