SquidGuard package TEST
Is this package ready to be included?
Can you send everything over? I am also waiting on the lightsquid pkg_info.xml information.
Repeat send all on you mail
Any news on when this package will be up in the list? I have been so eagerly awaiting a GUI…. Thanks for all your hard work.
Matt Hohman
New Heights Church -
"Waite mode"=ON ;D
I all sources already sent. -
I have received them and they are on my list. I am still waiting for confirmation that lightsquid works as well before I keep adding untested packages.
Great! Lightsquid gave me problems when I first installed. The script that pulls and processes the log files didn't run the first time automatically I had to go in on the shell to execute it. It's still not running automatically, I have to click the refresh now button.
Matt Hohman
New Heights Church -
Great! Lightsquid gave me problems when I first installed. The script that pulls and processes the log files didn't run the first time automatically I had to go in on the shell to execute it. It's still not running automatically, I have to click the refresh now button.
Shedules compatible only on pfsense 1.2 What you version use?
If older-need setup task manually -
Great! Lightsquid gave me problems when I first installed. The script that pulls and processes the log files didn't run the first time automatically I had to go in on the shell to execute it. It's still not running automatically, I have to click the refresh now button.
Shedules compatible only on pfsense 1.2 What you version use?
If older-need setup task manually1.2 Beta 1
Post plz here or to my PM file '/etc/crontab' content
cat /etc/crontab
#minute hour mday month wday who commandpfSense specific crontab entries
Created: June 3, 2007, 10:54 pm
0 * * * * root /usr/bin/nice -n20 newsyslog
1,31 0-5 * * * root /usr/bin/nice -n20 adjkerntz -a
1 * 1 * * root /usr/bin/nice -n20 /etc/rc.update_bogons.sh
*/60 * * * * root /usr/bin/nice -n20 /usr/local/sbin/expiretable -v -t 3600 sshlockout
1 1 * * * root /usr/bin/nice -n20 /etc/rc.dyndns.update
*/60 * * * * root /usr/bin/nice -n20 /usr/local/sbin/expiretable -v -t 3600 virusprot
*/60 * * * * root /usr/bin/nice -n20 /usr/local/sbin/expiretable -t 1800 snort2c
*/5 * * * * root /usr/local/bin/checkreload.shIf possible do not add items to this file manually.
If you do so, this file must be terminated with a blank line (e.g. new line)
*/60 * 1 * * root /usr/bin/nice -n20 /usr/local/pkg/snort_check_for_rule_updates.php
I'm have small problem with eanglish ::) Sorry for my many questions
- Do you setup auto refresh (update) period in Lightsquid GIU?
Post pls '/cf/conf/config.xml' file part
squidguard is not in official packages ??? only squidgurad … whats is wrong ??
squidguard is not in official packages ??? only squidgurad … whats is wrong ??
Nothing wrong.
Expects(Waits) his queue
May be developers veri bisy ? -
can you help with some situaton in squidguard ?
3 sources
3 destinations
3 ACLsourceA =
sourceB =
sourceC= = xxx.com
destY = yyy.com
destZ = zzz.comACL1 = sourceA pass destZ !all
acl2 = sourceB pass destY !all
acl3 = sourceC pass !destX alleverything and everybody have full access ….
i'm going crazy ... -
can you help with some situaton in squidguard ?
3 sources
3 destinations
3 ACLsourceA =
sourceB =
sourceC= = xxx.com it's a blacklist
destY = yyy.com it's a whitelist
destZ = zzz.com it's a whitelistACL1 = sourceA pass destZ !all
acl2 = sourceB pass destY !all
acl3 = sourceC pass !destX alleverything and everybody have full access ….
i'm going crazy ... -
Pls Show me you SG config
This situation can be if SG not started or used default config
Default config created if found any error in you config data.
Also how old you SG package installation? -
more /usr/local/etc/squidGuard/squidGuard.conf
SquidGuard configuration file
This file generated automaticly with SquidGuard configurator
(C)2006 Serg Dvoriancev
email: dv_serg@mail.ru
logdir /var/squidGuard/log
dbhome /var/db/squidGuardTodas as lojas (users in branchoffice)
src lojas {
log block.log
}Todos do Escritorio Central (users in HeadOffice)
src EC {
log block.log
}Acesso especial (special access users)
src especiais_loja {
log block.log
}Acesso sem limites (without limits users)
src super-users {
log block.log
}dest ads {
domainlist ads/domains
urllist ads/urls
log block.log
}dest aggressive {
domainlist aggressive/domains
urllist aggressive/urls
log block.log
}dest audio-video {
domainlist audio-video/domains
urllist audio-video/urls
log block.log
}dest drugs {
domainlist drugs/domains
urllist drugs/urls
log block.log
}dest gambling {
domainlist gambling/domains
urllist gambling/urls
log block.log
}dest hacking {
domainlist hacking/domains
urllist hacking/urls
log block.log
}dest mail {
domainlist mail/domains
log block.log
}dest porn {
domainlist porn/domains
expressionlist porn/expressions
urllist porn/urls
log block.log
}dest proxy {
domainlist proxy/domains
urllist proxy/urls
log block.log
}dest redirector {
domainlist redirector/domains
urllist redirector/urls
log block.log
}dest spyware {
domainlist spyware/domains
urllist spyware/urls
log block.log
}dest suspect {
domainlist suspect/domains
urllist suspect/urls
log block.log
}dest violence {
domainlist violence/domains
expressionlist violence/expressions
urllist violence/urls
log block.log
}dest warez {
domainlist warez/domains
urllist warez/urls
log block.log
}Lista Negra Leo (our black list)
dest ListaNegra {
domainlist ListaNegra/domains
expressionlist ListaNegra/expressions
urllist ListaNegra/urls
log block.log
}Lista de Sites Liberados (our white list)
dest ListaBranca {
domainlist ListaBranca/domains
expressionlist ListaBranca/expressions
urllist ListaBranca/urls
}Sites liberados para lojas (free sites to branchoffice users)
dest permitidosLoja {
domainlist permitidosLoja/domains
log block.log
}Sites Liberados para EC (free sites to HeadOffice)
dest permitidosEC {
domainlist permitidosEC/domains
log block.log
}acl {
# Lista de Lojas Liberadas
lojas {
pass ListaBranca permitidosLoja none
}# permitidos EC
EC {
pass ListaBranca permitidosEC none
}# usuarios controlados com acesso total
especiais_loja {
pass !ads !aggressive !audio-video !drugs !gambling !hacking !m
ail !porn !proxy !redirector !spyware !suspect !violence !warez !ListaNegra all
}# Super usuarios
super-users {
pass all
default {
pass ListaBranca none
} -
Make this for testing
- disable all ACL's (checkbox on every acl)
- uncheck all items on Default rule and set !all (deny all) - test this for block all traffic
- enable ListaBranca in default and test acces to him and no-access for other
- one by one enable ACLS and test him for access (first enable you special acls)
You need find what ACL wrong configured.
PS after any change before test press Apply button and see Servise string for green (in latest version SG)(mean - SG success started) below Apply button