Squid3 - New GUI with sync, normal and reverse proxy
Update :13-06-2013 09:00 PM access.log rotate is not working, still including yesterday log events.
1371044860.589 1479 TCP_MISS/200 39264 GET http://www.youtube.com/ - DIRECT/ text/html
time stamp = GMT: Wed, 12 Jun 2013 13:47:40 GMT
If the script is on cron and if you can successful run it by hand, It's not related to squid.
Are you on nanobsd?
If the script is on cron and if you can successful run it by hand, It's not related to squid.
Are you on nanobsd?
no not nanobsd, system running at P4 PC
how to create script without delete the access.log file
if im create rm -rf command log file will be deleted. how to clean the only inside access.log file. -
how to create script without delete the access.log file
if im create rm -rf command log file will be deleted. how to clean the only inside access.log file.squid -k rotate -f /usr/local/etc/squid/squid.conf does it.
how to create script without delete the access.log file
if im create rm -rf command log file will be deleted. how to clean the only inside access.log file.squid -k rotate -f /usr/local/etc/squid/squid.conf does it.
oke i ll try it and inform you.
Does any version of Squidguard work with this -dev version of squid? I cant seem to get the Service to START.
Does any version of Squidguard work with this -dev version of squid? I cant seem to get the Service to START.
Since squid 3, it starts on demand. If you have access then squidguard will run.
squid -k rotate -f /usr/local/etc/squid/squid.conf does it.
marchelloc it does not work. still access.log file include 12.06.2013 events.
installed packagessquid3 3.1.20 pkg 2.0.6
squidguard 1.4_4 pkg v.1.9.5
Lightsquid 1.8.2 pkg v.2.32 -
Does any version of Squidguard work with this -dev version of squid? I cant seem to get the Service to START.
If you reinstalled the packages, sometimes squid is already started without "kids" or "children" active.
Somehow when squid is running it won't take the squidguard process as a child-process.
When that happens, just stop squid via the dashboard or services page and restart using the save button in the proxy server page.I use squid3-dev with squidGuard-squid3.
With squid3 and onwards I always manually edit the "squidguard_configurator.inc" to use squid3 options for child-processes.# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # squid config options # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ define('REDIRECTOR_OPTIONS_REM', '# squidGuard options'); define('REDIRECTOR_PROGRAM_OPT', 'url_rewrite_program'); define('REDIRECT_BYPASS_OPT', 'url_rewrite_bypass'); define('REDIRECT_CHILDREN_OPT', 'url_rewrite_children'); define('REDIRECTOR_PROCESS_COUNT', '12 startup=8 idle=6 concurrency=0'); # redirector processes count will start with 8 do a max of 12 and idles at 6 (with v3.3+)
marcelloc any news ?
Access.log file still rise marchelloc can u check log rotation on squid3 ?
we are still looking your help. thank you.
Did you tried sarg instead of lightsquid?
You can disable log rotate on squid gui and enable it on sarg.
Did you tried sarg instead of lightsquid?
You can disable log rotate on squid gui and enable it on sarg.
many turkish ppl using lightsquid because we translated lightsquid from turkish language http://forum.pfsense.org/index.php/topic,62008.0.html
many ppl must use lightsquid can u check the problem for lightsquid package.
and i ll try it with sarg and inform you.
I ll tryed sarg with log rotate.
there is no change
still not rotated access.log filecheck the image's.
Do you have sarg reports created? On my machine it rotates successfully.
Remember to disable log rotating on squid and check sarg script on cron.
Did you tried to reinstall squid package to any other version?
What permissions do you have on squid logs and dir?
Do you have sarg reports created? On my machine it rotates successfully.
Remember to disable log rotating on squid and check sarg script on cron.
Did you tried to reinstall squid package to any other version?
What permissions do you have on squid logs and dir?
answer 1 =Do you have sarg reports created? = no i did 1 time using for force there are no auto created reports.
answer 2 =Remember to disable log rotating on squid and check sarg script on cron. = i did check in the screen shots.
answer 3 =Did you tried to reinstall squid package to any other version? =i ll try reinstall , not tryed another version.
answer 4 =What permissions do you have on squid logs and dir? = u see below/var/squid directory have 0775 chmod.
/var/squid/logs directory have 0777 chmod.
/var/squid/logs/access.log have 0640.
/var/squid/logs/cache.log have 0640.thank you.

If sarg report was created by cron, then your cron is running.
When you run squid -k rotate by hand it works, so your squid is working.
If cron is running and squid is running, I have no idea why your logs are not rotating.
sarg not creating auto reports (this strange)
if im use command like screen shot sarg generating a report
and i ll use for squid rotation command squid -k rotate -f /usr/local/etc/squid/squid.conf (it is not working) there are no rotate logs (really this strange to)that is a my system log
Jun 25 00:00:14 squid[52049]: Squid Parent: child process 52389 started
Jun 25 00:00:03 php: : executing squid log rotate after sarg.
Jun 25 00:00:02 php: : Sarg: force refresh now with -ddate +%d/%m/%Y
-date +%d/%m/%Y
args, compress(on) and both action after sarg finish.wtf is that :)
update : (i ll check that command for ssh it shows )
[2.0.3-RELEASE][root@firewall.local]/root(3): /usr/bin/nice -n20 /usr/local/etc/rc.d/squidGuard_logrotate
tail: -: No such file or directory
tail: -: No such file or directory
tail: -: No such file or directory
tail: -: No such file or directory
tail: -: No such file or directory
tail: -: No such file or directory -
Are you sure your install is not corrupted?
It looks like tail is missing and cron is not running/working.
Are you sure your install is not corrupted?
It looks like tail is missing and cron is not running/working.
if cron is not works how to created that logs correct time ?
Jun 25 00:00:14 squid[52049]: Squid Parent: child process 52389 started
Jun 25 00:00:03 php: : executing squid log rotate after sarg.
Jun 25 00:00:02 php: : Sarg: force refresh now with -ddate +%d/%m/%Y
-date +%d/%m/%Y
args, compress(on) and both action after sarg finish.