Taming the beasts… aka suricata blueprint
And if some new vulnerability is discovered (like we had earlier with OpenSSL) - you are screwed, because you can't really fix it without pfSense-specific build tools…
This is a serious problem, indeed.
Trying to support, for example, three different OS environments is a bit much for a one-man package maintainer.
Even if it were more than 1 maintainer it would be difficult, would be my guess.
Life evolves, and so does software. It is not always nice to upgrade, because new problems will come along because of that.
But then again: we grow older, and new problems come from that too.
Life is life.
To me the value of open source software is that we are not dependent on crappy companies that sell us product X on day 1, and on day 1 + 1 simply drop support with an arrogant 'sue me, stupid customer'.
For that reason I don't consider open source 'free' as in: money-free: I've donated to many open source projects. I do realize devs want to have a beer too. The value of open source for me lies in: much more serious.
But, in the end: old software has to be replaced by new software. Nature's law, the new replace the old.
@Hollander, it's not just in the Netherlands, it's the world trend now. They feel the need to dumb down the students so their authority is not threatened in the future when they grow up to be the tax-paying zombies they are meant to be ;D
Hmmm 8)
I think you are a little bit too negative.
Have some faith in mankind, in what TPTB cook up for us. After all, the most talented, the most skilled, only the very few that manage to pass all the top tests, are hand picked to become a member of government, or parliament.
People like you and I don't get there, we don't have what it takes. This is a fact of life, to be observed in every country across the globe.
So you might be a little bit too negative.
The central planners know what is right, they are the creme de la creme. We should not criticize. We don't have the brains to do that. That's why we are here and they are there.
I don't want to ridicule you, but I mean, what is next?
You saying that all these highly intellectual real life social insight television shows about pawn shops, cooks that have a tough time in their kitchen (lots of them, given the number of shows about it), 'dr. fil', 'opla', 'who is the best singer/dancer/whiner', 'who can put a cucumber in his ear the fastest', 'remodel your house', 'rent a house from the bank in a place under the sum and pay it off 3 times in intrest and charges' and thelikes are fake?
Given your negative way of looking at the world, I would not be surprised if you would invent a new line for it. 'Scripted reality', or something like that.
Have faith, young man, have faith.
Right, I am off now, watching on our ever reliable state television how bad that certain country in eastern-europe is.
( ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D )
I can't agree with this… Reading this forum I see a lot of people with old versions of pfSense having their packages broken because support is removed.
And if some new vulnerability is discovered (like we had earlier with OpenSSL) - you are screwed, because you can't really fix it without pfSense-specific build tools...So you either upgrade or get outdated.
Don't confuse the need to stay up to date with updating the existing software. They are not the same.
Staying on top of vulnerabilities is one thing, supporting every single hardware/software configuration out there is another.
I did mention on a Debian mailing list that one of the biggest mistakes Debian made was forking firefox to iceweasel. Hold your horses, even if I killed someone the judge would still hear me out, so hear me out.
Debian is extremely conservative with their release cycle. A new version is usually a couple years away. These days a "couple years away" is a disaster. An utter and plain disaster. Not in the stuff breaks sense, hell I would trust a life sustaining machine running Debian more than I would trust the multi-million machine in the hospital, but in the needed new features sense. No, not the Gnome 3 f***-me-upside-down-and-inside-out-if-it's-a-usable-gui. The syslog logging for nginx for example. An extremely useful feature, that isn't in the version currently in wheezy (7.x). In my use case I have to import the logs into rsyslog, process them, then spit them out to remote hosts >and< on top of that split them per nginx vhost >and< split them at the same time to normal logs and errors. rsyslog isn't meant to be a text file tailing software. It's meant to take a single line, decide where it should go and get it there. I can make it work though, and patiently await for the time that the newer version gets to stable. I completely know that you can patch nginx and recompile it to get to where I want to be, but that's out of the question for a production machine. I'm not a developer, never will be, I leave that job to others. More on this following.
Debian stable (as already mentioned) is as solid as concrete. Recently they decided to go ahead with the squeeze-lts (long term support), which ties all this to firefox/iceweasel) citing the fact that I-forget-right-now-which-company-exactly recently migrated 5K servers to ubuntu LTS. Most people involved with the decision failed to see the actual reason for the migration: more frequent updates, even if it's for an LTS version.
What does running an LTS mean exactly? It means continuing to support old software, that has fixed the flaws you are trying to backport changes for, in newer versions of that software (bingo for firefox!). They also added a few newer features along the way, as an added bonus. Or extra shafting, depends (like australis). The whole reason iceweasel was born was that mozilla wouldn't let them use their trademarks for supporting EOL versions of firefox.
Canonical can support an LTS version, SPI (Software in the Public Interest, the guys behind Debian) cannot. Why? Hollander hit it right on the head: developer support.
Developers need to get payed to work on software. RMS's extremely distorted reality does NOT apply in the real world. Either contribute to the developers, or forget their support for the software. Nobody will spend a week of their own time working on a version you (not you you, general you) are using, just because you like it and fear installing a newer version, and the reason is they prefer actually working on the feature that 100 others desperately want implemented. Or that recent 0-day vulnerability that needs urgent fixing.
Support doesn't only come in the $$$ sense. It also comes in the documentation sense. How many hours did this topic save a developer? Or a user? A day? A week? A year? Instead of developers spending their time trying to weed out the false positives and improve them, they can instead take a look at the list and immediately see the rules they need to focus on. Users can also do the same, which saves them time asking if that rule is a false positive or not, spending a week arguing on the forums if it truly is a false positive, which by the way is probably a week of a developer spending his time troubleshooting with them/arguing/agreeing, then disabling the rule. Documentation is the most hated thing to do, an I can understand that (this topic is a form of documentation, you can't imagine the time I've spent behind the scenes working on it). It's why I rage about the ET guys ignoring the list ;D. The list is there, and it's accurate, now start removing the rules I suggested.
Got a little carried away, back to our mailing list discussion: The argument was that if I want a patch backported to a software I refuse to update, for personal reasons, it's up to me to make sure the developer has the incentive to do it. If the developer needs to spend a week, at $100/day to backport and troubleshoot the update I need (which by the way comes standard in the newer version) and I can spend $500 to get newer hardware that doesn't have a problem with the newer version, then I could do myself a favor and save the $200. Get newer hardware and don't expect the developer to work exclusively for me.
In the particular case of snort, going by what bmeeks said, I would personally choose to drop support for the older versions of pfsense. Why? Because they will never be completely up to date. By making a conscious choice of running an older version of a critical part of your infrastructure, you are making the conscious choice of getting your network broken into. Do you have the knowledge to backport all the necessary patches into the version you use? Great, the previous statement doesn't apply. Are you a regular user that waits on others to fix it for you? Then try to help them out, by not expecting them to work for free.
Braking something in a newer version is inevitable (although I still don't get how the Debian guys don't break stuff ;)). Our job as users is to let the developers know that they broke something, and work with them to the best of our abilities to get it fixed. If we can provide log samples, we do that. If we can provide kernel oopses, we do that. If we can provide money for the developer to get a pizza for him and his children (hey, 'murica does it and it works, so think of the children), then we do that.
That is what open source means. It doesn't mean "we need to make those businesses fail because ALL software should be free". A starving developer is a soon-to-be-dead developer, simple documented fact.
@Hollander: smack Snap out of it! They got you too?!?! smack. All hope is lost :(
This is NOT a direct attack on anyone around here, nor elsewhere. I'm merely expressing my opinion. If you do not agree with me, discuss in a calm, well-mannered way. Swearing is acceptable, as long as it's directed at the ET guys*, cisco* (for charging a night with your wife, your first born's right kidney, and your left kidney for a support contract), or the developers of either unity*,gnome 3*, or internet explorer* (all versions ok). Windows 8* accepted/encouraged.*all relation to actual names, claimed trademarks, registered trademarks, physical and/or legal entities, is purely coincidental. Nope, no relation at all to the real world. Nothing to see here, move along.
Trying to support, for example, three different OS environments is a bit much for a one-man package maintainer. For instance, the installation paths differ between pfSense 2.0 and 2.1 and 2.2; plus the variety of system calls differs. For example, support for IPv6 varies between the versions. So this makes the code in a package sometimes quite complex as it tries to deal with all the subtle differences in pfSense versions. The more complex a package's code becomes, the higher the potential for bugs.
I agree, keeping up with the updates is important, especially if we have the support of the Maintainer to fix issues that arise…. If it wasn't for Bill maintaining these packages, I am sure we would be more hesitant to upgrade. ;) :o
Could you please shed some more light on the max, dmax, and pmax variables?
Using a "max" variable, if it finds over the Max variable it will perform a Maxmind Geoip Database lookup and will process a /24 block for configured Foreign Countries on an individual Blocklist Basis.
Using a "dmax" variable if it finds over the dmax variable it will perform a Maxmind Geoip Database lookup and will process a /24 block for configured Foreign Countries at the end of the download process on all of the Blocklists together.
Using a "pmax" variable, if it finds over the dmax variable it will process a /24 Block excluding Country Code whitelist at the end of the download process on all of the Blocklists together.
I had 7 unique addresses in the 104.28.7.x range in the IR_Match alias file. This also created a entry as well. I tried accessing a site that was not one of the unique addresses (ie. not blocked by the lists), but it was blocked by the /24 range.
You are referencing "Match" aliases here.
Here is a snipet from the pfiprep script-
# country Code p24 Process (pass/match) ccwhite=match # Define what to do with IP Ranges found that are in the # Country Code p24 Process (block/match) ccblack=block # For pfSense, the "Match" IPs can be "Monitored" with # "Floating Rules" which can log packets from these IP Ranges, # but still allow the Blocking of the Individual IPs found in the # same /24 Range.
So the script will Block a whole /24 range depending if you select ccblack=block.
ccwhite=match will put the IP ranges that are in the Safe Country list into a match alias.So the match file has all of the IPs that are being blocked with a "!" at the start of the IP to tell pfSense not to match the "!" excluded IPs, and match on anything else in the /24 range.
I would suggest leaving the "match" alone until you get everything else working. Change the ccwhite=match to ccwhite=pass
So at a high level, the max,dmax and pmax variables look at how many IPs are repeat offenders in all of the blocklists. And then depending on these settings block/match as required.
Thanks BBCan177, I've read & re-read this about 15 times, drawn it out on paper, changed the floating rule for IR_Match to "Match" instead of Block, and still can't figure it out.
Unfortunately, all I seem to be doing now is adding individual IP addresses to the Floating rules to allow them to pass through these Blocks - because legitimate IP addresses such as bing.com's IP address are being blocked by these Blocking Lists. -
Thanks BBCan177, I've read & re-read this about 15 times, drawn it out on paper, changed the floating rule for IR_Match to "Match" instead of Block, and still can't figure it out.
Unfortunately, all I seem to be doing now is adding individual IP addresses to the Floating rules to allow them to pass through these Blocks - because legitimate IP addresses such as bing.com's IP address are being blocked by these Blocking Lists.Take a look at posts in this thread weeks ago where the Blocklist Source 'MTA' is blocking some legit sites.
Take a look at the pfiprep script (near the bottom) and read the 'INFO' comments above the Threat Source URLS.
You can disable a Source by commenting it out with "#" at the start of the line.
Unfortunately MTA posts all IPs that were involved in malicious activity. So it you want to keep this list, you need to create a "SAFE Alias" Rule above the "Block/Reject" rules to allow any false positives thru.
If you remove lists, I suggest running
./pfiprep killdb or ./pfiprep killdb skip
dskip option will re-use your existing downloads.
You don't need to play with 'Match', set that to 'pass' for now.
I agree, keeping up with the updates is important, especially if we have the support of the Maintainer to fix issues that arise…. If it wasn't for Bill maintaining these packages, I am sure we would be more hesitant to upgrade. ;) :o
From my point of view I want the software I'm using as bug free as possible. If that means keeping up with upstream, then so be it. I'll adapt to the software, instead of the software adapting to me.
I can't remember the exact details (mentioned before I'm not the "keep a google tab open" type of person), but a couple years back support for 286 (or was it up to 386?) was removed from the linux kernel, taking with it a crapload of unneeded code. If memory serves right, the same goes for 32bit popular ZFS distros out there (freenas?). That's the spirit of open source IMHO. The developers try their best to make a decent software for all to use, but within a few reasonable limits. But support for a 286? Why are you still using a 286?
Bought my laptop (a 17" toshiba which I love) in 2009 for €450. It's regular price was €800, but had some coupons (yes I'm that kind of guy) that dropped it down to €450. I don't actually have the need anymore for a 17" laptop. It was used for 3D designing in uni.
During its lifetime, this laptop has seen windows, 3d designing, linux, running linux on top of windows, running windows on top of linux, flashing firmwares to various ARM devices, it only shuts down when I need to be out of town and take it with me, otherwise it's a 24/7-on laptop. It's a dual core 2GHz Turion for crying out loud and it has served my well.
Was looking at a few prices the other day for laptops. A 15.6" freedos (you know it will get formatted right out of the box and debian installed on it) costs about €270-€340, depending who you ask (brand). It's a dual core pentium, with integrated intel graphics. An i3 15.6" costs somewhere around €440 (and that's just the first result that I found, windows 8 (this time formatted before even getting out of the packaging, since technically microsoft must refund the software license if you don't intent on using it, just ask the shop to format it for you before buying it.)). What I will do when my laptop is no longer supported by debian is run debian as long as I can (within the stable supported lifecycle) then air-gap it when support is officially dropped and turn it into an offline laptop for as long as it still works. For the online laptop (the daily use one) I'll just get a newer lower priced laptop, that can do everything this little (well, if you consider 17" little) guy did and more.
I don't expect the developers supporting my hardware forever, and I do understand that they can't actually support it forever. The same goes for a pfsense box. If that box can no longer run a newer version of pfsense, maybe spend the money to get a supported card (if that's the case) or just buy a newer box. As shown in this thread, you don't have to spend a fortune to get the best firewall/IDS. 5 years down the line, if the box still runs the latest version then great. If not, replace it. The electricity + time spent troubleshooting the old box + the speed increase of the newer box, will make up for the newer box.
And for the record, I'm still running pfsense (latest)+suricata on a 3.4 p4 (the "ZOMGITHASHYPERTHREADINGITSLIKEDUALCORES" northwood one). Don't hate it, embrace it. It's old, it's a power hog, it's loud, but it still works. The upstream connection to it is only 10mbps (a dedicated ethernet line that costs 5 arms, 8 legs, and 3 kidneys). If tomorrow support for it was dropped, then it would get upgraded straight to a little celeron that could, without thinking twice about it. I've used atoms, celerons, core 2s, i3s, e3s, and i7s. As long as you don't expect extraordinary things from them, each does wonders in its particular bandwidth category. Do the developers (and the rest of us) a favor and upgrade to a box capable of running the latest version of the software that's protecting your neck.
Don't be that corporate guy that never upgrades installed software in the fear of something breaking and getting fired. If one of my employees came up to me and said "oops, I just broke the email server by upgrading it to a newer version because of a vulnerability", he wouldn't get fired, but instead congratulated on taking the steps to ensure the system was as secure as possible. Who will get fired though is the backups guy, if backups fail to work ;D. If the backups are ok, the first guy gets a box to play with, to make sure the newer version is supported, and works upstream to get the newer version supporting our old system out as fast as they can. That's nothing compared to a compromise caused by an unpatched vulnerability.
By you I'm NOT talking about anyone in particular, it's the general you. -
jflsakfja, your write-ups are always great to read. Most topic on this thread is out of my head but I'm learning. Thank to you and BBCan117 for the great work!
I've been reading and re-reading this thread for a week now and almost done setting it up. The only issue that I'm getting is that most of my list from pfiprep only contains IP address. Under the PfIP Reputation widget, I get a lot of fail errors with only IR_PRI1 list getting downloaded.
Running pfiprep from shell give me this kind of errors: ./pfiprep: /usr/local/bin/grepcidr: not found
looking up rules.emergingthreats.net
connecting to rules.emergingthreats.net:443
SSL connection established using DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA
Certificate subject: /serialNumber=cmxRbct3onRzhDapr8DEMQb9Au33Dqrp/OU=GT44212215/OU=See www.rapidssl.com/resources/cps14/OU=Domain Control Validated - RapidSSL(R)/CN=*.emergingthreats.net
Certificate issuer: /C=US/O=GeoTrust, Inc./CN=RapidSSL CA
requesting https://rules.emergingthreats.net/open/suricata/rules/tor.rules
local size / mtime: 303563 / 1407962999
remote size / mtime: 303563 / 1407962999
/home/badips/download/tor.rules 100% of 296 kB 725 kBpsDownload file count [ 699 ] Outfile count [ 3418 ]
Process /24 Stats
Found [ 11 ] IP range(s) over the threshold of [ 5 ] on the CC Blacklist
Found [ 3 ] IP range(s) over the threshold of [ 5 ] on the CC WhitelistFound [ 60 ] CC Blacklisted IP Address(es) are being set to [ block ]
Found [ Skipped ] CC Whitelisted IP Address(es) are being set to [ match ]Removed the following IP Ranges
Post /24 Count [ 3366 ]
./pfiprep: /usr/local/bin/grepcidr: not foundPost Duplication count
Masterfile Count [ 0 ]
Outfile Count [ 0 ] [ Passed ]
–--------------------------------------------------------------Thanks for this thread, I switch from snort to suricata.
Running pfiprep from shell give me this kind of errors: ./pfiprep: /usr/local/bin/grepcidr: not found
You need to install this application called Grepcidr first.
Since FreeBSD has moved the pkg files to archive, you need to make a few changes:
setenv PACKAGESITE http://ftp-archive.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD-Archive/ports/amd64/packages-8.3-release/net-mgmt/
setenv PACKAGESITE http://ftp-archive.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD-Archive/ports/i386/packages-8.3-release/net-mgmt/
pkg_add -r grepcidr-1.3_1.tbz
Once this is installed. Try to see if it loads properly:
/usr/local/bin/grepcidr -V
grepcidr 1.3
Copyright (C) 2004 - 2013 Jem E. Berkes jem@berkes.caThen:./pfiprep killdb/jem@berkes.ca
Thanks for the very fast response! It is working now. ;D
I must have mis-configured Snort before since it always uses 85% of my 3GB RAM. If I turn it off and use suricata, my mem usage drops to just 14% with all the rules enabled from this thread. WOW!
Is pfblocker still needed if I'm already using suricata and pfiprep?
What memory setting did you have for Snort. AC-BNFA-NQ seems to be the best for memory usage and performance.
You can disable pfBlocker. You don't need to uninstall it. Just don't have them both enabled at the same time.
@Hollander: smack Snap out of it! They got you too?!?! smack. All hope is lost :(
This is NOT a direct attack on anyone around here, nor elsewhere. I'm merely expressing my opinion. If you do not agree with me, discuss in a calm, well-mannered way. Swearing is acceptable, as long as it's directed at the ET guys*, cisco* (for charging a night with your wife, your first born's right kidney, and your left kidney for a support contract), or the developers of either unity*,gnome 3*, or internet explorer* (all versions ok). Windows 8* accepted/encouraged.;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
What memory setting did you have for Snort. AC-BNFA-NQ seems to be the best for memory usage and performance.
You can disable pfBlocker. You don't need to uninstall it. Just don't have them both enabled at the same time.
I had Snort set to AC-STD. Thanks again for answering my question on pfBlocker.
Well, a week later and my Pfsense/Suricata/block-list protector has become boring. :)
In my years of IT, boring is good. It does its job, does it well, and stays out of your way.
I'm really interested in the update to 2.x Suricata and will be all over that. Mostly so I can easily plug it into logstash/kibana to see pretty graphs and such.
Does the guide provide a stable starting point?
What sort of problems did you encounter while setting up suricata?
What could be improved in the guide?
Does the guide provide a stable starting point?
What sort of problems did you encounter while setting up suricata?
What could be improved in the guide?
I'm not a good candidate for a startup review as I know too much and that makes me dangerous. :)
I leveraged the information provided here and the great tools that have been developed for downloading/updating block lists.Since I started early in the thread's life I ran into a couple of questions that were later answered/clarified in the thread. So those are no problem for anyone that reads the thread I think. I have multiple WAN circuits and multiple LAN circuits and I basically applied a lot of this to all of them but the "kid LAN" to "general purpose ISP WAN" is configured very closely with these recommendations.
I started writing the golden rules and let me say, that's an awesome thing right there. I truly love elegant designs and strive myself to create such designs. Those briefings are really elegant once implemented and that's the part that I still need to get around to doing.
In conclusion I'd say you guys have given some super costly consulting away. I appreciate the efforts!
Good to hear the thread was so much help.
Thanks to all the guys that made it happen :)
In conclusion I'd say you guys have given some super costly consulting away. I appreciate the efforts!
I think the general concensus is when people help you in this forum, that you pass that information down to those that need it… That's why this forum is so good!
:) :)
Since wetspark's post, I've been meaning to ask all how things are going if you followed this guide.
@ALL Is everything working like it should? Does it get the job done? How stable was the resulting system?
If anyone has anything to add, please do so. The more discussion that goes into pfsense/suricata/lists the better for us all ;D
EDIT: In other words, was the guide successful in taming the beasts? :D
And this is what comes out of the guide: