NUT Dashboard Widget (2.1.4)
Begin and author here -
and here - made a small change original code. Data is static, no AJAX magic.
Update: Cosmetic, BatVolt show if exist (Eaton), otherwise Bat Temp (APC)
/* $Id$ Copyright 2008 Seth Mos Part of pfSense widgets ( originally based on m0n0wall ( Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1\. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2\. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. v. 2.01 */ $nocsrf = true; require_once(""); require_once(""); require_once(""); $nut_config = $config['installedpackages']['nut']['config'][0]; /* functions */ function secs2hms($secs) { if ($secs<0) return false; $m = (int)($secs / 60); $s = $secs % 60; $h = (int)($m / 60); $m = $m % 60; return array($h, "h ", $m, "m ", $s, "s "); } ?> **Monitoring** | **Model** | **Status** | $running = ((int)exec('pgrep upsmon | wc -l') > 0) ? true : false; if($nut_config['monitor'] == 'local') { echo "Local UPS"; $cmd = "upsc {$nut_config['name']}@localhost"; } elseif($nut_config['monitor'] == 'remote') { echo "Remote UPS"; $cmd = "upsc {$nut_config['remotename']}@{$nut_config['remoteaddr']}"; } elseif($nut_config['monitor'] == 'snmp') { echo "SNMP UPS"; $cmd = "upsc {$nut_config['snmpname']}@localhost"; } ?> | if($running) $handle = popen($cmd, 'r'); elseif(isset($nut_config)) { if($nut_config['monitor'] == 'snmp') $condition = "NUT enabled but service not running!\nSNMP UPS may be unreachable."; else $condition = "NUT enabled but service not running!"; } else $condition = "No NUT installed!"; if($handle) { $read = fread($handle, 4096); pclose($handle); $lines = explode("\n", $read); $ups = array(); foreach($lines as $line) { $line = explode(':', $line); $ups[$line[0]] = trim($line[1]); } if(count($lines) == 1) $condition = "ERROR:Data stale!"; } if(isset($condition)) { echo $condition; print(<< | ERROR | EOD ."\n"); return; } else echo $ups['ups.model']; print(<< <eod<br>EOD ."\n"); $status = explode(' ', $ups['ups.status']); foreach($status as $condition) { if($disp_status) $disp_status .= ', '; switch ($condition) { case 'WAIT': $disp_status .= 'Waiting'; break; case 'OFF': $disp_status .= 'Off Line'; break; case 'OL': $disp_status .= 'On Line'; break; case 'OB': $disp_status .= 'On Battery'; break; case 'TRIM': $disp_status .= 'SmartTrim'; break; case 'BOOST': $disp_status .= 'SmartBoost'; break; case 'OVER': $disp_status .= 'Overload'; break; case 'LB': $disp_status .= 'Battery Low'; break; case 'RB': $disp_status .= 'Replace Battery'; break; case 'CAL': $disp_status .= 'Calibration'; break; case 'CHRG': $disp_status .= 'Charging'; break; default: $disp_status .= $condition; break; } } echo $disp_status; ## Battery Temp or Battery Voltage if ($ups['battery.voltage'] > 0) $col3 = array("Battery Volt" , sprintf("%d",$ups['battery.voltage'])." V"); elseif ($ups['ups.temperature'] > 0) $col3 = array("Battery Temp" , sprintf("%d",$ups['ups.temperature'])."°C"); else $col3 = array("" , ""); ?> Battery Charge Time Remain ![left bar](./themes/<?= $g['theme']; ?>/images/misc/bar_left.gif)![red bar](./themes/<?= $g['theme']; ?>/images/misc/bar_blue.gif)![gray bar](./themes/<?= $g['theme']; ?>/images/misc/bar_gray.gif)![right bar](./themes/<?= $g['theme']; ?>/images/misc/bar_right.gif) /* echo $ups['battery.charge'] . "%"; */ print(<< <eod<br>EOD ."\n"); echo implode(secs2hms($ups['battery.runtime'])); print(<< <eod<br>EOD ."\n"); ## Print Column №3 - Volt or Temp echo $col3[1]; ## $tm = time(); ## echo date('h:i:s',$tm); print(<< <eod<br>Load Input Voltage Output Voltage EOD ."\n"); ?> ![left bar](./themes/<?= $g['theme']; ?>/images/misc/bar_left.gif)![red bar](./themes/<?= $g['theme']; ?>/images/misc/bar_blue.gif)![gray bar](./themes/<?= $g['theme']; ?>/images/misc/bar_gray.gif)![right bar](./themes/<?= $g['theme']; ?>/images/misc/bar_right.gif) print(<< <eod<br>EOD ."\n"); ## echo $ups['input.voltage'] . "V"; printf("%d", $ups['input.voltage']); echo " V"; print(<< <eod<br>EOD ."\n"); ## echo $ups['output.voltage'] . "V"; printf("%d", $ups['output.voltage']); echo " V"; ?></eod<br></eod<br></eod<br></eod<br></eod<br></eod<br>
Thanks for the improvements to my code! I now hope someone with some AJAX experience can help make this widget so it automatically updates…
-- tweek
How does one install this?
Common info -
1. Copy code to file ups.widget.php
2. Create file with next code://set variable for custom title $ups_title = "UPS Status"; ?>
3. Copy ups.widget.php to /usr/local/www/widgets/widgets
4. Copy to /usr/local/www/widgets/include
5. Refresh (F5) Dashboard and press "Add" button -
Hi, all.
I`m added ajax autoupdates to widget.
Step 1:
in widget`s code replace strings (to get unique id):replace to
Step 2:
in file /usr/local/www/includes/ add:in function get_stats() add one string: ... $stats['statepercent'] = get_pfstate(true); $stats['nut'] = get_nutstats(true); // Add this string $stats = join("|", $stats); ... after function get_stats() add two functions: function secs2hms_($secs) { if ($secs<0) return false; $m = (int)($secs / 60); $s = $secs % 60; $h = (int)($m / 60); $m = $m % 60; return array($h, "h ", $m, "m ", $s, "s"); } function get_nutstats() { global $config; $data = ""; $cmd = ""; $nut_config = $config['installedpackages']['nut']['config'][0]; // "Monitoring" field and get command to fetch ups data - [0] return array element if($nut_config['monitor'] == 'local') { $data = "Local UPS"; $cmd = "upsc {$nut_config['name']}@localhost"; } elseif($nut_config['monitor'] == 'remote') { $data = "Remote UPS"; $cmd = "upsc {$nut_config['remotename']}@{$nut_config['remoteaddr']}"; } elseif($nut_config['monitor'] == 'snmp') { $data = "SNMP UPS"; $cmd = "upsc {$nut_config['snmpname']}@localhost"; } // Find upsmon process $running = ((int)exec('pgrep upsmon | wc -l') > 0) ? true : false; if($running) { // Fetch ups data $handle = popen($cmd, 'r'); } elseif(isset($nut_config)) { // No service running if($nut_config['monitor'] == 'snmp') { $condition = "NUT enabled but service not running!\nSNMP UPS may be unreachable."; } else { $condition = "NUT enabled but service not running!"; } } else { // No NUT package installed $condition = "No NUT installed!"; } // Parse ups data if($handle) { $read = fread($handle, 4096); pclose($handle); $lines = explode("\n", $read); $ups = array(); foreach($lines as $line) { $line = explode(':', $line); $ups[$line[0]] = trim($line[1]); } if(count($lines) == 1) $condition = "ERROR:Data stale!"; } if(isset($condition)) { // Drop all data and return "" if error (todo: return human readable result) return ""; } // "Model" field - [1] return array element $data .= ":" . $ups['ups.model']; // "Status" field - [2] return array element $status = explode(' ', $ups['ups.status']); foreach($status as $condition) { if($disp_status) $disp_status .= ', '; switch ($condition) { case 'WAIT': $disp_status .= 'Waiting'; break; case 'OFF': $disp_status .= 'Off Line'; break; case 'OL': $disp_status .= 'On Line'; break; case 'OB': $disp_status .= 'On Battery'; break; case 'TRIM': $disp_status .= 'SmartTrim'; break; case 'BOOST': $disp_status .= 'SmartBoost'; break; case 'OVER': $disp_status .= 'Overload'; break; case 'LB': $disp_status .= 'Battery Low'; break; case 'RB': $disp_status .= 'Replace Battery'; break; case 'CAL': $disp_status .= 'Calibration'; break; case 'CHRG': $disp_status .= 'Charging'; break; default: $disp_status .= $condition; break; } } $data .= ":" . $disp_status; // "Battery Charge" bars and field - [3],[4],[5] return array elements $data .= ":" . round($ups['battery.charge']); $data .= ":" . (100 - round($ups['battery.charge'])); $data .= ":" . $ups['battery.charge'] . '%'; // "Time Remaning" field - [6] return array element $data .= ":" . implode(secs2hms_($ups['battery.runtime'])); // "Battery Voltage or Battery Temp" field - [7] return array element if($ups['battery.voltage'] > 0) { $data .= ":" . $ups['battery.voltage'] . " V"; } elseif ($ups['ups.temperature'] > 0) { $data .= ":" . $ups['ups.temperature'] . "°C"; } else { $data .= ":" . ""; } // "Load" bars and field - [8],[9],[10] return array elements $data .= ":" . round($ups['ups.load']); $data .= ":" . (100 - round($ups['ups.load'])); $data .= ":" . $ups['ups.load'] . '%'; // "Input Voltage" field - [11] return array element $data .= ":" . $ups['input.voltage'] . " V"; // "Output Voltage" field - [12] return array element $data .= ":" . $ups['output.voltage'] . " V"; return $data; }
Step 3:
in file /usr/local/www/javascript/index/ajax.js add:in function stats(x) add one string: ... updateStateMeter(values[13]); updateNutStats(values[14]); // Add this string } ... after function stats(x) add one function: function updateNutStats(x) { //console.log(x); if (widgetActive("ups")){ upsdata_split = x.split(":"); if(upsdata_split.length) { if(jQuery('#monitoring')) jQuery("#monitoring").html(upsdata_split[0]); if(jQuery('#model')) jQuery("#model").html(upsdata_split[1]); if(jQuery('#status')) jQuery("#status").html(upsdata_split[2]); if(jQuery('#batwidtha')) jQuery("#batwidtha").css('width', upsdata_split[3] + 'px'); if(jQuery('#batwidthb')) jQuery("#batwidthb").css('width', upsdata_split[4] + 'px'); if(jQuery('#batmeter')) jQuery("#batmeter").html(upsdata_split[5]); if(jQuery('#runtime')) jQuery("#runtime").html(upsdata_split[6]); if(jQuery('#bvoltage')) jQuery("#bvoltage").html(upsdata_split[7]); if(jQuery('#loadwidtha')) jQuery("#loadwidtha").css('width', upsdata_split[8] + 'px'); if(jQuery('#loadwidthb')) jQuery("#loadwidthb").css('width', upsdata_split[9] + 'px'); if(jQuery('#loadmeter')) jQuery("#loadmeter").html(upsdata_split[10]); if(jQuery('#InputV')) jQuery("#InputV").html(upsdata_split[11]); if(jQuery('#OutputV')) jQuery("#OutputV").html(upsdata_split[12]); } } }
In my case works good. Do not know is this chages remain after reboot.
And my code maybe need some rework to reflect all ups and NUT package status. Do it in the future.PS. Sorry for my bad english.
Reviews and patches are welcomes.
Since this seems useful for some people, one of you should go to hit the plus sign, add these files and submit a pull request for review. If it is put in the official system then everyone can have the benefit without having to go through these manual install steps…
… hit the plus sign, add these files and submit a pull request for review...
Can i use various git tools (clone and then pull commits), or should i use on github "+" & "pull" if i nearly newbie to git. And should i put all modified files to "widget" tree, although not all these files from that path?
Put the new files in the places they need to go in the final install - /usr/local/www/widgets/widgets /usr/local/www/widgets/include
Edit other files in the place they are already.
For this you can just use GitHub online, click the pencil to edit, the plus to add a new file. It will make a repository for you. It will do a commit every time you do something - so you end up with a few commits then make a pull request. It looks a bit messier having individual commits, but for small changes it is easy to do all online - no need to learn about git clone and so on.
If you mess it all up you cam always delete your repository and start again apply the changes until you have a clean set of commits, then do the pull request. -
I recently installed 2000W Enterprise UPS with 648 Watt/Hours of battery at each site where I have pfsense running for my personal use to keep the modems, switches and pfsense up during outages. (Very very long outages). I hope these GUI changes become available as part of a normal package in pfsense. It would be very convenient.
Sent request to merge changes to main project repository.
Is there any progress on SunStroke's merge request? I'm currently unaware of where I can track it & check on the status. I'm eager to see this widget in a release.
Is there any progress on SunStroke's merge request? I'm currently unaware of where I can track it & check on the status. I'm eager to see this widget in a release.
No, my commits was not merged till now. You can install "System Patches" package and try to apply my patches individually. I done it for myself.
NUT widget (add main file) -
NUT widget (add 'inc' file) -
NUT widget ajax callback -
NUT widget update func. - -
No, my commits was not merged till now. You can install "System Patches" package and try to apply my patches individually. I done it for myself.
NUT widget (add main file) -
NUT widget (add 'inc' file) -
NUT widget ajax callback -
NUT widget update func. -'s god, finally. Will test for sure as time allows.
General note: People, when you are doing some patches, please post diffs. Do not describe what to edit where. Total waste of time and error prone like hell.
Edit: Seems to work pretty well…
Same thing here.
Well done !!
No, my commits was not merged till now. You can install "System Patches" package and try to apply my patches individually. I done it for myself.
NUT widget (add main file) -
NUT widget (add 'inc' file) -
NUT widget ajax callback -
NUT widget update func. - patching will be done, you need to remove "/usr/local/www/javascript/index/ajax.js.orig". Cos "/usr/local/www/index.php" load all scripts from "/usr/local/www/javascript/index/" directory and updates are not working.
Sorry, perhaps a dumb question, but … is the only way to install (add 4 patches)?
Just trying to understand - this looks very good!
Sorry, perhaps a dumb question, but … is the only way to install (add 4 patches)?
Just trying to understand - this looks very good!
Yes. At this moment add 4 pathes is the only way to install widget. If anyone (maybe i) restructures code to make standalone package, it will be included in main package repository.
Works well, thanks! Just a couple minor comments,
- it would be good to have the title "UPS Status" to link to the appropriate page (like other widgets do)
- my UPS shows up fine, all works … but Status shows as "ERROR"?
Thanks again!
Works well, thanks! Just a couple minor comments,
- it would be good to have the title "UPS Status" to link to the appropriate page (like other widgets do)
- my UPS shows up fine, all works … but Status shows as "ERROR"?
Thanks again!
- about link - it is already done in my repository, patch links slightly outdated
- about "ERROR" - what error description is in "Model" column (screenshot, maybe?)?
Sounds good on the link, thanks!
As for model / details, here you go (copy / paste, sorry) …
Monitoring Model Status
Local UPS UPS CP600 On Line
Battery Charge Time Remain Battery Voltage
left barred bargray barright bar
100% 0h 52m 0s 13.3 V
Load Input Voltage Output Voltage
left barred bargray barright bar
20% 121.0 V 121.0 V
Monitoring Model Status
Local UPS OL ERRORThanks again - this is great!