Shared object "" not found
What Squid and Squidguard versions are you running?
Hi, Steve
Running Squid 3.4.10 pkg 0.2.8 and squidguard 1.4.7. pkg 1.9.14 on 2.2.2 64 bit. Didn't use squidguard devel because pkg manager mentions it is working with squid 2.x only.
Hmm, I installed that same combination on Thursday to a fresh 2.2.2 install and it's running fine. It was 32bit but if anything that's the less well tested branch.
I just booted it now and it all comes up fine. Even ClamAV. What hardware are you running it on? Ram? Disk size?Steve
What hardware are you running it on? Ram? Disk size?
Squid by itself runs fine (AV included) as soon as squidguard is installed the drama happens, no internet connection with squid in transparant mode. Squid tries to restart but fails filling the log as posted earlier.
My hardware:
2 CPUs: 1 package(s) x 2 core(s), Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU D2500 @ 1.86GHz . 4Gig RAM, 250 Gig HDD.
Dual Intel NIC.
Just coming back to this I again installed and see this only when the blacklist isn't loaded.
Hi Steve,
Thanks for still hanging in. There is a blacklist in /var/db/Squidguard I see all the shallalist categories. The only thing is that downloading the shallalist is suspiciously quick but returns no errors. Also tried removing and re-installing squid and squidGuard with Jims's script but keep getting shared object not found error in cache.log
Is there a special command to load the list after downloading, or maybe I should switch from transparent to WPAD proxy operation.
For now I am keeping an eye on the E2guardian package.
Thanks again.Jaap
Nope there's no special trick. Once the list has downloaded and the categories are set it should work. You are seeing a different missing object to everyone else though which is odd. Check this video to make sure you are doing it right. It's a bit old but still applies.
The only thing they don't do there is add the custom target which is required currently to prevent having to download the blacklist at each boot.Steve
Hi Steve,
Just to report I solved my issue. I found my Pfsense setup to contain two /usr/pbi/squidguard directories: /usr/pbi/squidguard-amd64/.. and /usr/pbi/squidguard-squid3-amd64/..
In the squid integrations section the squidGuard –c command referred to the squidguard-squid3-amd64 directory, while the updates of the blacklist for some reason were handled within the /usr/pbi/squidguard-amd64 realm. Apparently the/usr/pbi/squidguard-squid3-amd64 directory was a remnant of earlier attempts and was never properly cleaned up by a de-installation routine.
Anyway de-installing squidguard, removing /usr/pbi/squidguard-squid3-amd64/.. and /var/db/squidGuard directories, rebooting and installing squidguard devel 1.5 and then running the shalla-list update rendered a system with a running proxy filter.
Although a stubborn issue it very much deepened my knowledge of the system.
Thank you for your support and time.Jaap
Thanks for coming back with that. Yeah Squidguard-squid3 is no longer necessary as the current version can run with both Squid 2.7 and 3.
Well spotted. :)Steve
This can be worked around by creating and enabling at least one custom target category. For some reason if you're using downloaded blacklists only the required file/folder isn't created and at boot Squidguard fails to start filling the squid logs in cache.log with this error.
We had to do some testing on this during the week for a customer and I was seeing this exact symptom. Jim found this workaround.
This happens on both Squid 2.7 and 3.Steve
Thank you, we all love you (?)
This code may help