Template Roll Printer with options (for 2.2.6, 2.3, 2.3.4, 2.4.0, 2.4.4)
Hello, DanieleIT
Great job!
Thanks.One question:
in services_captiveportal_voucher.php in error check section you wrote following:
// Check for form errors
if ($_POST['charset'] && (strlen($_POST['charset'] < 2))) {
$input_errors[] = gettext("Need at least 2 characters to create vouchers.");but original code is:
// Check for form errors
if ($_POST['charset'] && (strlen($_POST['charset']) < 2)) {
$input_errors[] = gettext("Need at least 2 characters to create vouchers.");Why?
Hello K0ster,
The mod is probably based on an old version of the code. I did not change that part, but that is clearly a bugfix.
I'll have to merge the code when I can.Thank you
Hi DanieleIT,
nice project! :)
Would it be a big thing for you to implement a field for choosing how many Vouchers to print (and mark them in the DB as printed)?
Ciao Daniele.
Ottima idea.
Installo, provo e commento–---------------------------
Hello Daniele.
Good idea.
I install, I try and comment -
Thank you very much, DanieleIT. Great job! :)
I have a question, if i would like to print vouchers 4 X 10 (by yours is 3 X 7), how can i modify the php file?
You don't have to modify the PHP file. You just have to edit the dimension of the voucher divs, trought the voucherprint.css file.
At line 12 you have:
.voucher { border-left: 1px solid #F4F4F4; border-right: 1px solid #F4F4F4; border-bottom: 1px solid #F4F4F4; page-break-inside: avoid; float: left; height: 134px; width: 206px; position: relative; }
Just edit the height and the width according to your needs. (you may also need to edit a little more css based on the new dimension).
Give it a try and let me know!
this is a simple and create mod! For me the css.changes won't take affect in printing. I chenged height and width as above, no change in size of the voucher print. any ideas?
this is a simple and create mod! For me the css.changes won't take affect in printing. I chenged height and width as above, no change in size of the voucher print. any ideas?
Did you uploaded the css file to the server after changing it? Are you sure you are not loading a cached version of the css file? Try to clear cache in your browser first and check in the inspector if the width/height are changing.
Hi Daniel,
thanks for your answer. Yes i edited the file directly via ssh and got no browsercash running. I also saw that the printing was from browser to browser different. So i just did it with zooming in printing. Another thing for me would be great. Any chance to print an bar or qr-code as well?
This looks very strange to me. The CSS is the only file that acts on the template. You should check again, as you may missing something.
For the barcode, check my previous post #18 and the jsfiddle. -
for me the zooming function in printing is fine. i really tried this, and i saw the difference in printing-funktion per browser.
regarding to the barcode… http://jsfiddle.net/Idioblast/3j1mnwe3/
which files do i have to edit. sorry for the stupid question, but i read the post and the fiddle but this not clear to me
i think the js-code is to put somewhere around here, but where exactly :/
if ($printThis == 1) { echo "".$voucherTitle."".$voucherInfo."{$v}".$thisVoucherDuration."".$voucherExpiration.""; $i++; if ($i == 21) { echo ""; $i = 0;
for me the zooming function in printing is fine. i really tried this, and i saw the difference in printing-funktion per browser.
regarding to the barcode… http://jsfiddle.net/Idioblast/3j1mnwe3/
which files do i have to edit. sorry for the stupid question, but i read the post and the fiddle but this not clear to me
Ini the "services_captiveportal_vouchers_print.php" file, line 49, you'll find the opening tag, in the head just add a link to the js file (download: http://barcode-coder.com/js/jquery-barcode-last.min.js) and put in in the same folder as the .css file and others. Then add the javascript code you can fine in Jsfiddle at the end, before the closing body tag.
for me the zooming function in printing is fine. i really tried this, and i saw the difference in printing-funktion per browser.
regarding to the barcode… http://jsfiddle.net/Idioblast/3j1mnwe3/
which files do i have to edit. sorry for the stupid question, but i read the post and the fiddle but this not clear to me
Ini the "services_captiveportal_vouchers_print.php" file, line 49, you'll find the opening tag, in the head just add a link to the js file (download: http://barcode-coder.com/js/jquery-barcode-last.min.js) and put in in the same folder as the .css file and others. Then add the javascript code you can fine in Jsfiddle at the end, before the closing body tag.
Of which file?
Just if anybody else gets the problem. the barcode-part from js was not executed no matter where i put the code… i needed the following line in frint to be sure it will be executed:
$(document).ready(function() {
in context:
Hi and great work.
Is there any chance we could have the Print button put on:
Status / Captive Portal / Zone / Voucher Rolls
instead of (or in addition to) Services / Captive Portal / Zone / Vouchers ?
I'd like to be able to give users only the permission for printing tickets, but at the moment I have to give them access to services to get to the print button.
I.E. an extra column for Actions with the Print button.Thanks.
Hey mates, i need help about the way to install vouchergenerator, i could not find the way, please help…
Hey mates, i need help about the way to install vouchergenerator, i could not find the way, please help…
Hello, inside the zip file you have a readme.txt file you can follow step by step. If you don't know how to upload or overwrite the files, it's easy, you just need an SCP client to connect to the pfsense (just like FTP). From windows you can use winSCP to setup a connection to the pfsense IP using SCP protocol.
i could not find the ''readme.txt file'' you were talking about, and the here is not guiding on how to install vouchergenerator, please here is my email address bejoedson@gmail.com, send me all the file and tutorial there, please. i just need a way on how to design and print voucher code from pfsense
i could not find the ''readme.txt file'' you were talking about,….
It's in the ZIP file.
Called "readme.txt" :CAPTIVE PORTAL VOUCHERS PRINT TEMPLATE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ By Daniele Arrighi <daniele.arrighi@gmail.com>Credits: Reward Gagarin <rewardgms@gmail.com>Ikkuranus ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1\. Edit css file to fit your needs and overwrite logo.png with your onw logo 2\. in /usr/local/www/ overwrite services_captiveportal_vouchers.php 3\. in /usr/local/www/ upload services_captiveportal_vouchers_options.php and services_captiveportal_vouchers_print.php 4\. create a new folder named: "voucherfiles" (without ", case sensitive) 5\. upload voucherfiles directory's files in the newly created directory 6\. Print from Services -> Captive Portal -> Vouchers Extra: If you want people with more limited accounts to print out vouchers without having full access to the WebUI add the portalprint.priv.inc file in the /etc/inc/priv/ folder.</rewardgms@gmail.com></daniele.arrighi@gmail.com>
Thank You very Much, i am going to try it and give You feedback. Thanks again…