A huge big thank you.
Wow, I don't know where to begin. This PfSense system just has be baffled. I'm ashamed to say. I bought a Protectli server which came with PfSense. I should have bought a Netgate device but I didn't, sorry. I never new I was so exposed at all. This has opened my eyes and I've come to the conclusion that security is at an all low with Service Providers. I now feel much more secure and safe on the big bad Internet out there. I've secured my LAN with nice rules and installed a VPN on my Synology NAS. So now I'm pretty shure I'm safe in this big bad world.
It wouldn't have been possible without your great work and support. So a big 'Thank You' to all you people that have my safety in mind. Thank you very much.
Kind regards,
Paul Sinnema
The Netherlands. -
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