[Help] pfsense2.3.1+squid+squidGuard, How do access https://abc.com:7001
pfsense2.3.1+squid+squidGuard, How do access https://abc.com:7001
Also: Transparent HTTP Proxy, how to access https://abc.com
Sorry, I do not speak English :(
thank -
Please help me
You should probably post your question in the forum for your native language, if it exists, because your questions don't make much sense. You would access those web resources using their URLs just as you have put them. Squid isn't going to intercept anything on port 7001 without you adding an ACL to Squid's Custom ACLS section. To intercept HTTPS on transparent proxy, you need to enable Man in the Middle SSL filtering and install pfSense certificate son every client.
You should probably post your question in the forum for your native language, if it exists, because your questions don't make much sense. You would access those web resources using their URLs just as you have put them. Squid isn't going to intercept anything on port 7001 without you adding an ACL to Squid's Custom ACLS section. To intercept HTTPS on transparent proxy, you need to enable Man in the Middle SSL filtering and install pfSense certificate son every client.
KOM, Thank you very much, you solved my problem!