Traffic graph replacement
any rough idea when we see the traffic graph replaced with whats been teased
Should be soon. I have the vnStat (traffic totals) largely done and I'm about to enter that into the repo and the Monitoring page seems to be fairly stable. I just didn't want to have too many things going on at once. Since there was a working traffic graphs I lowered the priority, but now that previous two things mentioned are pretty much out of the way I'll have more time for traffic graphs.
thanks wasnt sure where to ask
no problem. the webGUI board is probably best
Here is an update gif on the traffic graphs (from a simple test VM):
It is still a WIP, bits are still broken/missing, but progress has been made.
Looks awesome. Can hardly wait :)
how is this progressing 2.3.3?? 2.4 ?
I did some work on it an it is looking like it might be ready soon. Tricky part was that it required CSS changes that effect packages, so I have to think that process through before I can put it in.
Look (and comment) here: