Squid Proxy with private pfSense issued certs showing weird https traffic when SSL intercept enabled
Hello fellow Netgate community, Can you please help?
I wanted to take Netgates pfSense with Squid Proxy loaded for a test drive today. Everything is working. I generated and loaded the root certificate and intermediate on my Windows 10 system.
In the Squid Proxy real time I see this same highlighted address over and over is there a issue here? (See image below)
(Image: What is relay hub?)
(Image: internal-ca is my loaded pfSense generated certificate)(Image: Google has some weird ones now they show it is not using my certificate it started using something else)
(Image: The hit rates with https proxy options enabled sky rockets)
I made a Access control list for everything on the lan can access tcp/udp 3128-3129 to the firewalls IP address also
Part 2:
Here is without SSL proxy running accessing ABC news
(Image: Certificate issued from Amazon)
(Image: pfSense running Squid with SSL enabled showing pfSense custom generated certificates)
Firewalls and AntiVirus is a thing of beauty when it works correctly. It is art.
This can decode and inspect every single https, http URL not only that the URLs that are cookie related. This inspects for spyware viruses check for issues. Amazing. What a work of art. Google started working Facebook does not like this running for some reason last website issue for me. Bing, Google, News sites, all work just not Facebook.