VLANs on ix0 and ix1?
I currently run a XG-7100 as a router on a stick:
ix0 is configured as a trunk/lagg and connected to a switch, from there I distribute VLANs to other switches etc.
Now the pfsense will be moved into the basement: this means I will have to either set up ix1 as trunk as well and use that to connect to the switch in the first floor.
Or I connect the switch in the basement to that switch, keeping that router on a stick setup.
If I go for the first approach, I think I would need to set up all the VLANs currently assigned to ix0 to ix1 as well, right? Or is that stupid or wrong?
Would it make sense to export the VLANs as xml, duplicate/edit them and re-import?
You provided too less details to get an overview about your setup and what you're trying to achieve.
A network map could help to clarify.ix0 is configured as a trunk/lagg and connected to a switch, from there I distribute VLANs to other switches etc.
Now the pfsense will be moved into the basement: this means I will have to either set up ix1 as trunk as well and use that to connect to the switch in the first floor.Are these different switches or is this a single one?
Or I connect the switch in the basement to that switch, keeping that router on a stick setup.
Any reason to hold on on the router on a stick setup?
Basically this can be a throughput bottle neck.f I go for the first approach, I think I would need to set up all the VLANs currently assigned to ix0 to ix1 as well, right?
Not clear why. Having the same VLANs on multiple interfaces on a router will only make sense if you intend to bridge them.
@viragomann sure, yes, I should draw a map with some overview. Will do asap.
I am perfectly aware of the fact that the pfsense is my bottleneck right now.