Two squid and one balancer [ SOLUTION ]
Hi to all,
I want to share my configuration for two squid proxy and one balancer for proxy connection ( I used ZenLoadBalancer ).1. First of all I created a far with 2 squid and the redireection for port 3128 from balancer to squid farm.
2. ( problem ) squid now saw only the Balancer IP and not the Client IP so :
3. I modded the squid.conf with :logformat squid %ts.%03tu %6tr %{X-Forwarded-For}>h %>a %Ss/%03>Hs %<st %rm="" %ru="" %[un="" %sh="" %<a="" %mt[="" code]<br="">4\. then for real time statistic i modded the follow lines on /usr/local/www/squid_monitor_data.php [quote]44 show_tds(array("Date", "IP Client", "IP Balancer", "Status", "Address", "User", "Destination")); 57 $logline_dest = preg_split("/\//", $logline[10]); 67 echo "{$logline[3]}\n"; 68 echo "{$logline[4]}\n"; 69 echo "{$logline[5]}\n"; <----- LINE ADDED 70 echo "{$logline[8]}\n"; 71 echo "{$logline[9]}\n";[/quote] 5\. then I tweaked the lighthttp to generate the report correctly, in the directory /usr/local/www/lightsquid/ I modded on the follow lines : [code]130 ($Ltimestamp,$Lelapsed,$Lhost,$LhostBAL,$Ltype,$Lsize,$Lmethod,$Lurl,$Luser,$Lhierarchy,$Lconttype,@Lrest)=split;[/code] Enjoy.</st>
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