No 64bit Counters Available in 2.3.1_p5 / UI bug
Running the latest stable pfsense 2.3.1-RELEASE-p5 (amd64), SNMP does not return any HC/64bit counters, meaning they roll over and I can't monitor my interfaces above 120mbps or so.
Searching around shows a few other users reporting this problem but without any response, I know pfsense returned 64bit counter previously, pretty sure in 2.3
Also this may be a UI bug, but should I be able to uncheck the mibII module in the UI? When I uncheck it, it restarts the daemon as it should, but then if I go back to the SNMP page, all the modules are checked -
Tried on a brand new fresh install of pfsense just in case, still no HC counters. Do you enable 64bit SNMP counters based on detected port speed? it's running in a VM so it doesn't see a set link/media speed, just says media: manual. Everything else works 100% though
Are you running Hyper-V? My Hyper-V VM's don't have 64-bit counters, but my physical boxes do. I figure this has more to do with Microsoft and them trying to move away from SNMP.
nope, xen. Past pfsense versions I've ran in the exact same config had working 64 bit counters but a recent change in 2.3 made them go away. Plenty of other OS's running in VM's here have working 64 bit counters so I'm not sure how it would be a hypervisor issue