Interesting "bug" in Squid - Maybe Youtube related
This is for future me in case I forgot how to solve this or for anyone else having the issue but recently I noticed that when I access YouTube I was unable to to see comments or watch Live video. Apprently the Restriction setting was turned on. Trying to unselect the option to turn off restriction mode was fruitless as it said this is controlled by the network administrator. I am the admin. Very confused I I thought maybe pfblockerNG was sinkholing some important sites for youtube? Nope. Did I have Safesearch turned on in pfblocker? Nope.
So I went on my mobile device on a different VLAN and I noticed there was no restriction mode turned on just on my wired LAN. Interesting...
The only setting that's enabled is that I have Squid Proxy running on my wired lan. I saw no denies in the real time logs for youtube. Well lets bounce the service. I turned it off and then turned it on. I can finally access the comment section on Youtube.I have no idea why Squid would enable this. I have no ACLs in play. Maybe its a YouTube thing.Very confusing. Easy enough fix (after an hour of troubleshooting and reading docs).