squidguard not filtering
I just had a hard drive failure on my pfsense machine. I reinstalled pfsense, then followed this tutorial to get squidguard setup to filter https traffic.
I did change from shalla as i noticed this site is down and replaced it with this blacklist
This was the guide i followed last time and the filter seemed to work very well. This time however, after following the tutorial, nothing is being blocked. I'm not sure what to change, or how to move forward to block content. Any advice would be awesome. Thanks
ok, small update. I've found with the capitole.fr list it is blocking every category i've selected except the adult categoy. It's blocking my custom category as well, but for some reason, not the adult one. any ideas?
I don't know if the adult file was just to big for squidguard or what, but i loaded this one instead, and everything is working well now!