DNSBL used to block ads
As stated, DNSBL used to block ads. I had a really weird thing going on where the services status widget was reporting the pfg_dnsbl service was stopped (and would not start) but the ads were being blocked. (specifically from my Roku box) So like any good novice, I went screwing around with either the DNS resolver, or the DNS forwarder, and got the green check mark. Yay me. Except now the ads aren't being blocked anymore.
Apparently, I have jacked something up somewhere. I am at the point where I may scrap everything, and start over. (factory defaults)
Oh, and to further add to the confusion: I went from pfBlockerNG to the devel version somewhere in there.
@obxjeepguy May I suggest deleting what you have but before you do, uncheck save setting, then reboot and install a fresh copy of pfBlockerNG-Devel. You can read up too here:
Here's a video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xizAeAqYde4
@nollipfsense I figured it out last night. I had both DNS forwarder active, and DNS resolver. I turned off the DNS forwarder, and activated forwarding within the resolver, and DNSBL started blocking ads again.
@obxjeepguy Okay, cool.