HAProxy + CARP VIP, Health Checks going out wrong interface
Recently reconfigured my pfSense setup to get ready for a CARP setup. Currently only 1 firewall with a CARP VIP, which automatically becomes master.
I've reconfigured my HAProxy to sit on the new CARP VIP (.1) instead of the native IP (.2). This is working great, but oddly, on my busiest back-end, some of the destinations ports are showing offline.
After poking around it looks like most of the traffic is going out of the .1 address, but for some reason some is additionally going out .2. I have rules on my back-end server allowing only the .1 address, and would prefer to leave it that way.
Any ideas how I can constrain the HAProxy health check service to only go out a specific interface / IP?
Any help greatly appreciated!
I got this working by adding the following to the back-end > advanced settings > "Per server pass thru"
I added:
source <CARP_VIP>Replace <CARP_VIP> with the IP you want the health check to originate from.