Got System Panic this am
@stephenw10 22.05-BETA (amd64)
built on Tue May 31 06:20:27 UTC 2022
FreeBSD 12.3-STABLE -
Oh yes - DCO on - the tunnel that came up just before the panic - is a DCO tunnel -
How many OpenVPN tunnels in total do you have there? How many are using DCO?
@stephenw10 Only this one is UP.
There are two others - but they were completely idle.
All 3 had DCO enabled though?
@stephenw10 Yes. They were enabled.
Mmm, OK. Is this the only time you have seen it?
@stephenw10 Yes - this is the first panic I have observed.
Ok, thanks. I've opened an internal bug for it. Our developers are looking into it.
@stephenw10 If helpful -
This system is the 'server' side of an s-s OpenVPN tunnel and it crashed.
The action that caused it was an update made to the remote client end. After that change - the tunnel went down, then up - then crashed.
@stephenw10 Will you let us know when a change is logged internally that should affect this? I dont want to try again until we have a resolution.
We can't know for certain since as far as I know you are the only person who had hit that. We never replicated it here. But we have applied a fix for what appears to be the bug that caused it. It's in 22.05-RC now.
@stephenw10 The latest snapshot says 22.09! - Is the fix available to me yet?
It is. If you don't see the branch
Next Stable Version (22.05
then first select the stable branch (22.01) and refresh. You should then see 22.05 offered as next which is 22.05-RC.Steve