Bootstrap scaling for menus work poorly on mobile devices with TopNav=fixed.
I have been trying to use pfSense 2.3.2 Bootstrap webgui in a mobile Samsung S7 Edge and have tested both Internal browser and also Chrome
but have found a problem related to expandning long menus and scrolling.What happens is that the browser, when in "mobile mode" does not recognize that the screen is "getting longer" when a large menu is expanded
so when trying to scroll down the whole screen it stops prematurely and I am not able to scroll down to the bottom to see all items in the menu.I have tried to use thew "Get PC version" in internal but no god, but managed to use "Get desktop version" in Chrome but with the disadvantage
that it then zooms out to the whole screen and that contradicts the whole scaling capability of Bootstrap. That it would scale well regardless of display size.All else scaling to mobile devices works perfect in Bootstrap but not the menus. These needs som rework for optimal usage on small mobile devices.
Screenshot_20160904-121238.png Screenshot when only expanding the menu.
Screenshot_20160904-121247.png Screenshot when expanding the "Services" menu and scrolling page to bottom. As seen missing 6 entries in the menu.
Screenshot_20160904-121255.png Screenshot when expanding the "Diagnostics" menu and scrolling page to bottom. As seen missing 21 entries in the menu.If needed, I can write a bug report in redmine ?
Bets regards
Dan Lundqvist
Stockholm, SwedenUPDATE: I have now tested the same in Windows and using FireFox and Chrome and minimize the browser window so it scales down to 1 column mode
and I see the same problem…. If I select menu and then a menu item with long list I am not able to scroll down to the last item. Same as for the mobile.
The scroller, seems to scroll only the underlying dashboard page and not the full page and it has to do with when the user has selected "Top Navigation = Fixed".This is a bit catch22. I wonder if it is possible to dynamically change the TopNavigation from Fixed to "Scrolls with Page" when it switches to 1 column mode
so admins moving from PC to iPad to Mobile don't need to sacrify and set "Scroll" even if they want Fixed when on Desktop PC ?Or at least add an option so the users can select if they want this behaviour or not.