HAProxy redirect custom http port to standard http port.
Hello to all,
Http servers:,
pfSense 2.3.2 64bit with HAProxy: some.public.address
What I want to do:
- make http servers accesible on port 80 and make port 8080 automaticly redirected do port 80.
So the problem is I used examples from HAProxy documentation: https://www.haproxy.com/doc/aloha/7.0/haproxy/http_rewriting.html
Update each Host header to remove the colon and port, if any:
http-request replace-value Host (.):. \1
The example above turn the following string:
Host: www.domain.com:80, static.domain.com:8080
into the following one:
Host: www.domain.com, static.domain.com
And it is not working. I've checked config file and the entry looks exactly the same as in example.
Does anybody has working http rewrite on pfSense 2.3 and can post it in here or better make some screenshots from pfSense?
Thank You in advance,
Best Regards.