Regarding CPU & Swamp Space full
I have using the pfsense version 2.4.4 and Freebsd version 11.12
The Problem is that cpu utilization high on frequent basis and also my swap space 100% instead on RAM memory is 2GB available
How to resolve this issue? and why my swap space is full?
how to take remote console for pfsense?Thanks in Advance!
Help will be difficult, as no one is using your version any more for a couple of yeas now.
Check here.A 'out of the box' pfSense installation will work just fine with 2 Gbytes of memory.
An out of memory situation can only happen if the admin started adding or activating advanced features (that need a lot of memory).@divya-0 said in Regarding CPU & Swamp Space full:
how to take remote console for pfsense?
Quick and less secure : open port 80 and/or 443 on the WAN interface.
Best method : You've noticed that since two years or so, half the planet is talking about 'remove office working' using a VPN access ? Welcome to the club : this is the method you should be using also. pfSense has several VPN support build in. -
@ Gertjan
I didn't add or activate any kind of services but swap memory high gradually and now it's 100% complete
For remote console, new to access freebsd console like putty with using ssh
Your response is most welcome
@divya-0 said in Regarding CPU & Swamp Space full:
For remote console, new to access freebsd console like putty with using ssh
In that case, as you'll be using port 22 TCP, so open this port.
Or again : use a VPN. Nothing to open, no security issues.If you are using a 'stock' pfSense with 2 Gbytes, and it starts to use swap, consider your system unstable.
SSH access, and also GUI access can tell you what process use what memory and when.You might even hit a bug that was solved many years ago.
The answer was : upgradeThis answer still applies.
As said : who recalls issues of the last version ? Nearly no one.
2.4.4 ? Why should we ?