anyone have a or know of a tutorial to setup NORDVPN on 2.6.0 PFsense that works?
does anyone know where I can find one that actually works? would be greatly appreciative of you. I will buy you a pizza. I have tried several I have found, nothing is working...
There might be one on my page, have a look through and see if it helps.
@sage0042 What's not working with:-
The only issue with the above is that all your traffic would be routed out the NordVPN connection, you just need to untick Don't pull routes
That's the point of a VPN
is it not? And I'm looking for help with 2.6 . Under 2.6 . It's like it's on existent -
@sage0042 No its not if you don't want to route all your traffic over the VPN and use policy based routing.
What exactly isn't working with the link I posted.
the version I have is 2.6.0. maybe that would enplane why its not working when I try to follow tutorials cause there all out dated. I really appreciate you trying to help me... have a good holiday buddy...